Airline Mogul Forum

New public world with new features - Order Books, Pre-Orders and Improved Leases


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Welcome to public world 3558, first world to introduce these new features!

This world is a bit different from other worlds you might have played in. Take a few moments to familiarize yourself with the changes to ensure you enjoy this world to the fullest!

Order Books are now in place, slowing down the pace aircraft are delivered - read more about this feature in the game wiki

In essence, aircraft manufacturers have limited production. Base production is limited to ten airframes per month, but full order books will trigger a bigger production line. Similarly, empty order books will result in smaller production lines. To ensure some sort of fairness, any single airline is limited to 33% of the output per month when ordering aircraft. This includes most brokerage purchases.

Improved Lease System - now with early return penalties!

This means leases have a fixed period. Within this period the lease can only be returned with a penalty. Some leases are Lease-to-Own, which means the aircraft will automatically be transferred to the lessee (airline paying the lease) after the end of the lease, without closing any routes.

Pre-orders - aircraft can be pre-ordered a year before production start!

Read more about these new features exclusive to this world by clicking the links above. Most importantly though, be sure to have fun and enjoy this world!


  • Airline Operative
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Hello there,

How do we go about pre-ordering aircraft? I haven't figured that one out yet?

Thanks in advance.


  • Airline Mogul Staff
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Find the manufacturer and find the aircraft you want to order. It doesn't appear any other places than the manufacturer's page.
The aircraft will appear in the order book at the first available slot after production start


  • Airline Operative
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    • Posts: 157
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That is great, thanks!


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