Airline Mogul Forum

[World 3551] First world with new Order Books feature!


  • Airline Mogul Staff
  • Airline Senior Manager
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    • Posts: 2099
  • Play to have fun!
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We are some players who enjoy taking an airline and grow it slowly to create a sense of natural progression and history.

The point of this post is to promote this world - it is always more fun with more people playing! The world will be as follows:
Created on last Saturday, 8th of May in European evening.
Runs from 1968 until today
Full world
DC-9-11 starting aircraft, will be changed as time progresses
20 bases
Frequent pruning of bankrupt and inactive airlines to reduce congestion
New flight block calculation for realistic flight times
New maintenance formula
Order books feature as the only world right now
Improved lease mechanichs - introducing Lease-to-Own!
No password

I'll be happy to welcome you in world 3551!

Disclaimer: This world is not an official, public world, I am creating it on behalf of me as a player, not as a staff member


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