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UN thread 2 (country control game)


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Reply #75 on: May 17, 2011, 12:45:32 pm
12 hours have passed. Sanctions begin. The US has blocked all flights from India to the US. Moreover any Indian flagged or India bound ships will be stopped by our naval vessels.

Economic sanctions have also begun, and we won't import any good from India anymore.

Sanctions against the Indian military have led to groundings of the fleet of P-8I ASW aircraft, C-17 and C-130J transport fleet. India also has problems operating it's fleet of Mirage 2000, Jaguars, Harriers and Rafale.

India responds to this measure by increasing its standard military size back up to 6,000,000. Additionally, we have entered into a military alliance with Russia. We have ordered 300 jets of each of the following types, and built the support structure for Sukhoi SU 24, 25, 27, 30, 34, 35B , Mig 29, Mig 31,  250 bombers of Tupolev TU 22M, 97, 160, 1000 Yakolev Yak-130 for training, then 100 of each of Ilyushin IL-76, and Antonov AN- 2, 12, 22,32, 70, and 124. We've taken delivery of 12 Ilyushin Il-96 as military command aircraft. 80 Air Re-fueling Il-78s. 100 Reconnaissance Beriev A-50. 500 Mig 28 helicopters. 400 more Kamov Ka-226 helicopters.

We announce plans to quadruple the size of our navy as well, and Deploy our battleships/Cruisers to the following spots. Malay strait, Persian Gulf, Red Sea, Australia's East Coast, South China Sea, East China Sea, Strait of Magellan, Coast of Brazil, Cape of Good Hope, Dakar Senegal. These ships will not fire on any other nations ships, unless the other nation attacks Indian merchant vessels. Following an attack on Indian cruiser ISS Jhansi, the USS Anzio was sunk in the East China Sea.

India has entered into a quintuple alliance with Japan, Iran, Taiwan, and Venezuela. These four nations and ourselves, in addition to economic partners Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Bhutan, pledge to support each other in any military conflict, and refuse to trade with any nations imposing sanctions on any member of the alliance.

IndJet cancels all Boeing orders and shifts to a solely Airbus portfolio

Virgin Serbia

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Reply #76 on: May 17, 2011, 01:29:30 pm

The American Prime Minister has just gotten off the phone with the Prime Minister of Japan, who denies having any knowledge of a relationship with India. Furthermore Japan has granted rights for American jets and ships to operate from Japan.

Likewise, following a friendly conversation with the PM of Taiwan on the issues they have with China, they decided to back away from supporting India.

Iran has also backed away from the alliance with India, as we have promised to remove any sanctions against them.

Finally, we would like to condemn the sinking of the USS Anzio in international waters. The Anzio was operating under orders to stop, not shoot at, Indian flagged ships. In other words, India potentially just fired the opening shot of a conflict.

And bear in mind, attacking a US Navy ship also means attacking a NATO, ANZUS ship. We would like to remind Canada, Britain, France, Australia, New Zealand etc. on their obligations towards NATO.

The Peoples Republic of China has announced that it will remain neutral, but if the Indians dare attempt to invade contested area with as much as 1 meter, India will be met with a firestorm from China.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2011, 04:26:40 pm by Virgin Serbia »
O0 Lotus Airlines of India (PW#2650) •


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Reply #77 on: May 17, 2011, 02:31:15 pm
Myanmar (Burma) enters a trade alliance with India. We do not want conflicts with the West, but we do want to support India. We condemn the American attack on India's vessel.

After long consideration, Myanmar Airways decides to keep the flights to all countries, despite their political opinions (including UK, China, India and Japan).


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Reply #78 on: May 17, 2011, 03:09:42 pm
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines have decided to sign the UN2 Peace Treaty. We want to have peace here in the world.

We have given all people with registered cars a 50% discount on electric cars, in an effort to decrease our nations pollution. We have also opened 19 new "fueling" stations for these cars, all owned by the company BioTek.


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Reply #79 on: May 17, 2011, 03:16:05 pm
Mongolia officially declares neutrality

Mongolia does not support Indias invasion and Mongolia hopes that India will stop occupying Pakistan. However, Mongolia will keep trading with India, and keeps all flights to Indian cities.

Mongolia condemns Indias attack against the USS Anzio

Virgin Serbia

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Reply #80 on: May 17, 2011, 04:11:54 pm

China donates 24 FC-1 fighter jets to Mongolia.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2011, 07:23:52 am by Virgin Serbia »
O0 Lotus Airlines of India (PW#2650) •


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Reply #81 on: May 17, 2011, 05:40:12 pm
Fiji has suspended its Bombay flights and replaces it with a 10x weekly flight to bejing

Virgin Serbia

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Reply #82 on: May 17, 2011, 06:16:43 pm

To help to stop piracy, China donates 2 Type 054 Jiangkai I class frigates and 4 Type 022 Houbei missile boats to Fiji. We also supply a battery of SC-19 ASAT (Anti-satellite) missiles.
O0 Lotus Airlines of India (PW#2650) •


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Reply #83 on: May 17, 2011, 07:10:45 pm
Mongolia wants to sign an open skies agreement with China.

Mongolia strongly recommends Mongolians that currently are in Pakistan, or Nothwestern India to leave the area.

Mongolia has launched it enviormental and public transport modernisation program. Changes that will be made.

- Mongolian Transport Authorization (MTA) has placed an order for 20 Canadian made Bombardier Flexity Outlook Trams. The trams will replace the old trams that MTA borrowed for the new tram line.

- MTA has also ordered new Solaris trolleybuses to replace the current ones.

- Inspired by Saint Vincent and the Grenadines initiative for environmental changes, Mongolia has offered citizens of Ulaan Baatar a 25% discount for electric cars. Mongolia hopes that this will put an end to the pollution problems in UB.

- Unemployed persons will be payed to stand on the streests of UB and inform people of the global warming, and what one can to do stop it.

- A new law states that all school must hold environmental classes, and teach the students about the global warming risk.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2011, 07:14:54 pm by SomedayTrijet »


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Reply #84 on: May 17, 2011, 07:50:05 pm
India has agreed that an international plebsite will be held in Pakistan to determine whether that nations citizens wish to remain Indian citizens, 85% of Pakistani women, as well as 48% of Pakistani men, and an overall percentage of 85% of Pakistani citizens voted to remain Indian citizens. We have offered those citizens a relocation package consisting of $2,000 and a parcel of land, to move into India.

We agree to withdraw from Pakistan assuming the following conditions are met..

-All of Kashmir remains under Indian control
-All nations currently imposing sanctions on India end those sanctions
-A formal apology is given by the Democratic Republic of America (as it was found that the CIA and America's government financed the attack on the Base at Kadamba.)
-The Democratic Republic of America's help in re-building our navy through research loans et. al
-The complete de-militarization of Pakistan
-Pakistani Punjab, where 98% of citizens favor re-unification remains a part of India

If they are not met, India plans to increase its nuclear arsenal to 55 warheads.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2011, 07:53:45 pm by BINDU »


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Reply #85 on: May 17, 2011, 07:59:27 pm
85% of Pakistani women, as well as 48% of Pakistani men, and an overall percentage of 85% of Pakistani citizens voted to remain Indian citizens.

What grade did you have in math?  :lol:


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Reply #86 on: May 17, 2011, 08:17:08 pm
Lol I meant 65%, and thats just a rough estimate. Assuming equal numbers of men and women in Pakistan, it would be (85* 1/2) + (48*1/2) = 42.5 + 24= 66.5 % of Pakistani citizens


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Reply #87 on: May 17, 2011, 10:25:04 pm
Myanmar looks amusingly at all the threats cast between countries :P

(If nobody has notice, I have joined as Myanmar/Burma)


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Reply #88 on: May 17, 2011, 10:47:35 pm
I'm a little late but I vote, and agree...

The Democratic Republic of America would like to express concern about the Indian invasion of Pakistan. We therefore propose that the UN impose complete economic and military sanctions against India.
As with all UN votes, a majority has to be gained. However, the 5 permanent security council members (China, US, France, UK and Canada) have to agree, or else the proposal will be dropped. Nations that are implicated in the conflict (in this case Pakistan and India) can't vote.

Votes can be sent in for the next 12 hours after this post.
Sincerely, Mastafa


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Reply #89 on: May 17, 2011, 10:51:07 pm
We give you 2 gates in YYZ (1 to be shared with the other flight), 1 in YYC, 1 in YUL, and 1 in YVR. You have no right to fly citizens of Canada out of the country.
I guess I'll join as India again :D . Lets just stay with one thread this time :P .


India has started a national airline; IndJet

India refrains from signing the UN2 Treaty at this time, we will re-examine after concluding all military campaigns.

With that in mind, India increases its standing military to 6,000,000 troops, and launches a land invasion of Pakistan. After a quick war in which India suffers the loss of only 48,000 troops, Pakistan is annexed and merged with India. 7 new provinces are added to India, with Pakistani Punjab being merged with Indian Punjab. Pakistan's Islamic government is immediately abolished in favor of a secular government. While Bangladesh, Nepal, and Bhutan are not annexed, we have created a free-trade zone between the four, with Open Skies agreements in place..

IndJet has ordered 10 Airbus A330-300, 10 Boeing 777-300ER, 10 Boeing 777-200LR, 5 Boeing 747-8, 40 Boeing 787-9, 15 Airbus A330-200,  45 Airbus A320, 50 Boeing 737-800, 10 Embraer E-190, and 40 used Boeing 757-200

We have also leased in and purchased used 50 Airbus A320, 20 Airbus A319, 20 Airbus A321, and 70 Bombardier CRJ-700.

We have built an extensive domestic network using the afore mentioned with hubs at Karachi, Mumbai, Delhi, Islamabad, Kolkata, Chennai, Bengaluru, Hyderabad (AP), Lahore, Peshawar, and Cochi

Internationally, our hubs are planned in KHI, BOM, DEL, and BLR

IndJet requests the following rights, which we will offer with reciprocity

From Malaysia

2 flight/day from KUL to

1 flight/day from KUL to

1 flight/day to Penang from

1 flight/day to Kota Kinabulu from

We request from UAE, open skies Agreement

From Britain

1 flight/day on following sectors


From Canada, we request 1 flight/day on


From USA we ask the following at 1x flights per day

BOM to

PHL-LAS (2nd freedom, only rights for India-LAS, not PHL-LAS)

From DEL

IAD-SFO (2nd freedom as above)

From BLR




From Australia we ask

1x flight/day to the following from BOM, DEL, and BLR

BNE-AKL (w. 5th freedom)
Cairns-Nadi (w. 5th freedom)

From Mongolia we ask



that is all for now
« Last Edit: May 17, 2011, 11:04:48 pm by Mastafa »
Sincerely, Mastafa


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