For those that remember me... I still have some of these saved....
For those that don't.. One of the things I like about this game vs others was the ability to create a more realistic complete airline representation. Its one of the reasons I wore out a copy of Airlines 6...
One of the things I did was attempt to create a brand for my airline with FF program details, ad campaigns, slogans and names of important company officers..
Here are some of the ads I created over the rounds. I will include some details where I can remember them.

This was my very first one. It originally appeared at another game. The idea of that airline was deep discounting, bottom feeding budget airline. The original picture came a from a Mesa Airways investor relations picture.

This is from the same game. The theory was my little airline used all leather seating on every plane no matter what. I don't know where I got the original photo..I suspect I 'borrowed' it off the net.

The next series was from when it was a single world here. I was positioning my airline as a single class, all business class airline(think Midwest Airlines). I didn't do the entire 1 euro price drop thing. The first two photos are from the destination cities tourism departments, the third is from a RL travel company ad.

This was a simulated newspaper ad touting the alliance I was in here(the precursor to the USG).

This was from a round when I had competitor that wanted to race to the bottom on fares and create .5 routes all over. This was before the .5 route limitations were added. The tag line on the ad read "Favorite Home Town Airline" to represent the fact, I carried many more passengers to and from Kansas City. Also with more realistic frequencies business passengers would have preferred my airline to his.
The original photo came from the Seattle tourism bureau.

This one is from the very first 1950's round here on AM. The idea behind my airline was service from all the small cities to Chicago to beat train service. I admit, I was one of the players pestering Stephen to add earlier years rather than just repeating modern era rounds over and over. Honestly, I wanted 70's and 80's added. Stephen tricked us and put in a 50's round. The original photo came from a museum brochure I got in Chicago. Even though the round started in 1950, We operated from O'Hare.. which didn't exist... The round was ALOT of fun.
Personally, I prefer the Vegas or Stockholm ones to the rest. I love the colors I was able to use with those photos. Anyone else want to share???