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Airline Analysis requested.

ashuji · 19 · 5739


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on: January 04, 2011, 02:22:57 pm
Airline ID:39535
Public World #1776
Time Left: 2 years
Map Type: Large World
Game Date :4 Nov 1986
Current bases: 1) BOM/VABB/ Chhatrapati Shivaji International
                     2)DXB /OMDB / Dubai International Airport

Financial Situation
DOC: € 4,770,496

Forum code: Airline Mogul - See my airline

Goals:Learning to play in a beter fashion alongwith attaining decent rankings.

A Critical Analysis of the airline is expected from all the experienced players, with the view of pointing out the loopholes and areas of betterment.

All tips for gameplay advancement with special emphasis on the best planes are welcome.

« Last Edit: January 04, 2011, 07:06:02 pm by ashuji »
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Reply #1 on: January 04, 2011, 02:31:32 pm
Get rid of your leases.

Alouette Aviation - Österreichische Wetterstrecken - Blå Løve Luftveje - Imperskiye Nebesa


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Reply #2 on: January 04, 2011, 02:42:35 pm
Get rid of your leases.

Thank you .

I have started purchasing 10 mio range a/c atm, but the bigger ones will be a bit of trouble, as it would  take me a bit over one day ( real) worth of wait to gather the amount needed.

Maybe a broker might help me out there :)
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Reply #3 on: January 04, 2011, 02:50:34 pm
Take one bite at the time. Use smaller planes on low-mileage/passenger routes.

The Gulfstream I-C would be an ideal workhorse to rebuild from. 37 seater and quite frugal for it's speed and range

Alouette Aviation - Österreichische Wetterstrecken - Blå Løve Luftveje - Imperskiye Nebesa


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Reply #4 on: January 04, 2011, 03:04:43 pm
low-mileage/passenger routes
Kindly elaborate more here. Most of the cities i cover are above 6,000,000 Pax.

Gulfstream I-C
Its perfect except the Pax numbers.

i have been using 50+ seaters til now
*TrAnS aSiA bRoKeRaGe* - Official Broker

Virgin Serbia

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Reply #5 on: January 04, 2011, 05:24:49 pm
low-mileage/passenger routes
Kindly elaborate more here. Most of the cities i cover are above 6,000,000 Pax.

Gulfstream I-C
Its perfect except the Pax numbers.

i have been using 50+ seaters til now

1. Short routes. Remember, flying across the world may earn you alot of money. But flying between two large cities 500 nm apart 6 times a day will make you far more than that single long one.

2. Just keep to the 50-75 seaters. I suggest you settle on the ATR-42. The Gulfstream is too small and boring. 
O0 Lotus Airlines of India (PW#2650) •


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Reply #6 on: January 04, 2011, 05:52:13 pm

1. Short routes. Remember, flying across the world may earn you alot of money. But flying between two large cities 500 nm apart 6 times a day will make you far more than that single long one.

2. Just keep to the 50-75 seaters. I suggest you settle on the ATR-42. The Gulfstream is too small and boring. 

Thank you for your opinion.

But, what little i have read and understood highlights the 2x.5 and/or 1 freq.
unless, its a mad price war/ dumping capacity conditions.

So, wouldnt more than 1x freq. reduce the price considerably ?

BTW, i only happen to use multi freq to use up the excess hours remaining on the planes and that too when the distance is < 72 NM.
*TrAnS aSiA bRoKeRaGe* - Official Broker


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Reply #7 on: January 04, 2011, 06:36:48 pm

1. Short routes. Remember, flying across the world may earn you alot of money. But flying between two large cities 500 nm apart 6 times a day will make you far more than that single long one.

2. Just keep to the 50-75 seaters. I suggest you settle on the ATR-42. The Gulfstream is too small and boring.  

Thank you for your opinion.

But, what little i have read and understood highlights the 2x.5 and/or 1 freq.
unless, its a mad price war/ dumping capacity conditions.

So, wouldnt more than 1x freq. reduce the price considerably ?

BTW, i only happen to use multi freq to use up the excess hours remaining on the planes and that too when the distance is < 72 NM.

What (I think) he meant was stop flying >2000nm routes for a while and start flying <2000nm routes. With the same amount of planes you can fly a lot more short haul flights than long haul. On a single L/H flight you might earn more money than a single S/H flight but you'll be able to fly more S/H so automatically you'll make a lot more money.

If I were you I would go to "Operations" -> "Gate search". Then choose your departure airport, passengers min= 100.000 max=1.000.000 and continent=Asia/Middle east. "OCP" airports that are within 2000nm at first. Once you've done that you'll see that you're able to fly a lot more routes a day = making more money a day. Before you start flying L/H you need a solid income through S/H. Try to fly 1500nm+ at 0.5 frequency and <1500nm routes 1 frequency.

Once you got all the <2000nm airports you should raise the max passengers to 80 mln and start flying at big hubs "nearby" with larger aircraft (A321 for instance). Once you've done that start flying L/H (>2000nm).

This will keep you busy first couple of game years LOL :P This is how I do it most of the time and it worked out pretty well for me. So it should work out for you too.

Edit: < > mix up  :-[
« Last Edit: January 04, 2011, 06:41:09 pm by jayceon »


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Reply #8 on: January 04, 2011, 07:38:09 pm
Thank you for the trouble taken to make me understand elaborately.
But, a further look at my airline and the other details initially provided is needed, IMO.

The following details have been recently added in the original post:
Time Left: 2 years
Map Type: Large World
Hence , for me there are not many routes <= 500 NM.

Let me show you my side of perspective:-
* I have 2 Hubs
1) BOM/VABB/ Chhatrapati Shivaji International (23,435,723 Pax.)
2) DXB /OMDB / Dubai International Airport (40,901,752 pax.)

Currently, I prefer to rent a new gate ( at a new city ofc), if both my hubs are at a reasonable distance ( 2500-3000 NM max)

*Most if not ALL of the cities < 1500 ( mutual distance for both hubs) are covered.
* Nearly most of the cities < 2000 ( mutual distance for both hubs)are covered. The only exceptions are a few 5 mil cities or / and small heavily flown routes.
*Have started .5x freq. mostly/ occasionally 1x to 15mil.+ pax cities < 3000NM.
* I have started 737-300 & MD-82/83 for these 2k-3k  routes.
* The left over hours of 737-300 & MD-82/83 are utilised for S/H over 9 mil cities. Hence, most of my planes have 3-4 routes at the least.
*The MINIMUM  profit ( lease costs deducted/ others costs NOT included) earned by my leased planes are as follows:
ATR's =1.9 mil/ month
737-300 =2.2 mil/ month
MD- 82/83 = 2.5 mil/ month
* B4 I leased these737's & MD's, my DOC was 1-1.5 mil , now its 4.8 mil.
So, the 40 mil in lease/ month i pay looks like well spent . ( Slowly planning to replace leased planes with my own).

Since, I am new at AM, the above mentioned are the outcome of manual/wiki/forum reading and prolly limited understanding on my part.
*TrAnS aSiA bRoKeRaGe* - Official Broker

Virgin Serbia

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Reply #9 on: January 04, 2011, 08:45:14 pm
Yes, those leases are good indeed. Just keep them. But from now on, you should just buy ATRs and expand using them. Once you can afford a 737-300, start buying those instead.
O0 Lotus Airlines of India (PW#2650) •


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Reply #10 on: January 04, 2011, 09:04:41 pm
I see what your problem is. You are in a 'large world', the airports under 5(?) mill. pax are not available. These are the airports available:
If you are new to this game, I would suggest you join the other public world. Although it only has Europe, it has all the airports.

Otherwise, try looking through the private worlds, maybe one suits you? Just look out, some of them has passwords.

If you want to continue in this world:

But small jets. The Caravelle is an excellent airplane, try it out! But it lacks the range.

Otherwise, the leases are okay. You might want to buy the props instead of leasing them, but the small props aren't fast enough to make enough routes out of your bases, try considering expanding to Europe or North America? But avoid competition.

Remember this: Never have more than 1 frequency on any route! If the routes are long (7+ block time) fly 0.5 frequency.

Your routes of over 2500 miles may be too long for your airline, try flying to the nearest airport - always.

How long have you played?

I hope this helps!
« Last Edit: January 04, 2011, 09:06:53 pm by 1993matias »


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Reply #11 on: January 05, 2011, 01:59:55 pm
Thank you both for your replies, it did help a lot.

Yes, those leases are good indeed. Just keep them. But from now on, you should just buy ATRs and expand using them. Once you can afford a 737-300, start buying those instead.
If i could stop thinking about expansion for a bit, ill be better in doing what you mentioned. But, its in my to do list, and will dealt with asap.

@ 1993matias
Limited tokens will NOT allow me to join more worlds. I will hopefully joing another world with decent number of players as soon as i can find one with my liking.
Also, I would like to continue with this world as its only 2 years to the end. I am 66th ranked at the time of writing this post, so hopefully i can break into the top-20 or so in the time left.

Regarding planes, I would shortly be buying < 15 mil planes in the desired numbers -as you all have suggested.The big birds will have to wait for the time being.

Regarding expansion, I can only make one more focus city outside asia or two in asia. There are bigger cities available in Asia, with minimal competition, as compared to europe ( although the  route distance would be larger).
Since, there isnt much left to cover under 2000NM, I hope to get a new base in an Asian city with > 30 mil pax and with minimal competition.

I did register in AM way long back, but have been actually playing since 2 weeks or so.

Kindly keep the advice flowing.
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Reply #12 on: January 05, 2011, 04:42:09 pm
Try to base at an airport which is close to the gates you already have, this will lower your gate rental costs/route.

Lord Voldemort

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Reply #13 on: January 05, 2011, 09:40:36 pm
In my opinion leases aren't that bad, no need to get rid of them.
First, you get to use them immediately, AND you don't need to pay maintenance.
Replace them when the lease time is short or you have oodles of $ to spend.
EDIT: Whoa, lots of leases. But still, no need to get rid of them.
Just buy from now out, it'll be cheaper at first.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2011, 09:46:55 pm by Lord Voldemort »


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Reply #14 on: January 05, 2011, 10:17:06 pm
Next time, join a world that is a FULL world.
Sincerely, Mastafa


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