Airline Mogul Forum

Aircraft that oppose each other???


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on: April 29, 2009, 02:36:16 pm

I'm operating an airline of about 19-20billion in value. I've noticed that using the DC-10 and the L-1011 together (they were competing aircraft designed for the same market), they drastically lowered my total profit by like 200million!
Does the same thing apply for others, like the 727/757 (the 757 was designed to replace the 727)?


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Reply #1 on: April 29, 2009, 02:46:38 pm
It is not the competing aircraft costing you extra money, but the fact that you are using these large aircraft. None of the large aircraft in AM are profitable. Large aircraft, like the DC-10 and L-1011, have huge maintenance costs and, due to the formulae used to calculate ticket prices, make proportionally far less money (not only are ticket prices much less when you use large aircraft, but long haul is also far less profitable than it should be, large aircraft are typically used for long haul).

My advice: sell them, use them on short haul between big cities or just accept that 200 million is the cost of being able to say you have a fleet of long haul DC-10s and L-1011s.


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Reply #2 on: April 30, 2009, 11:26:52 am
Actually, I use the L-1011 VERY (really not lying!) profitably. When i disposed off my DC-10s, I got back that 200million and my yearly profit went back up to like 350million a month...
But thats not the issue now. That was like 7AM years ago. Currently focussing ion the 727/757 saga...


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