Airline Mogul Forum

P#286 US1


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on: January 22, 2009, 12:34:19 am
Private world US1 is now granting all new airlines a 1 Million Dollar bonus for opening up shop. This world is restricted to the United States. For more information please contact me via PM. Thank You, hope to see you inside.

World Info:
Game Date: 6/7/1992
Starting Year: 1990
Time Left: 15 years
Map Type: United States
Starting A/C: 1 x CASA C212-300
Available A/C: All PAX Aircraft
Starting Cash: € 10,000 (additional 1 Million Dollar Grant)
Players: 3/15
« Last Edit: January 22, 2009, 12:38:00 am by jg707 »


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