Airline Mogul Forum

Highest Aircraft DOP in MW

zkvac · 17 · 3650


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Reply #15 on: April 18, 2008, 10:21:34 pm
Now it's at 766,243, and I hardly even did anything to it! I think before it was over 770k... 8)

I have another one on order, too, to be delivered in a few days.  Then I will order another one after that.

I am about to out-do myself from last round, and this time without the stupid decisions that made me look supremely rediculous last round! :oops:  :oops:
Founder and CEO of Buon Giorno! Airlines


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Reply #16 on: April 19, 2008, 02:13:50 am
I've got seven 732's making over a million a day in W3.  Highest is 1.325 I think.
UnderwAir [6] - Est. 1969.   (hehe, 69)


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