Airline Mogul Forum

Problems (Ticket Prices)

blue25 · 16 · 4363


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Reply #15 on: August 28, 2007, 01:30:18 pm
I see AM has upped itself to the point of AE. Too many players. If you've played AE before (whose URL and full name shall not be disclosed), you should know what to do. In that case, feel free to harass me and junk-pm me, I don't check it anyway.

But I have a feeling you're completely lost and clueless about what to do here. Well, for starters, LIVE WITH IT. China, believe it or not, has so many airlines that it has very recently BANNED all new airlines from submitting applications to the government. That's how bad it is up north. WHat do all the airlines do? LIVE WITH IT. Secondly, you're lucky AM is a time-restricted game, meaning it will get reset every 10 years (in-game) or so. If you can't beat your way up this game, join in next time.

If after 4 rounds you're still stuck in suck-land, you either have a huge problem selecting a hub, or you just aren't the type that can play large airline sims.

Either way, you must accept what you have now and move on. It's no use complaining, the other guy will just get mad and push you down more. Trust me, I've been in your position. (ahem AE....)
[20:28] <Jps> your still a w****r with your new sig
[20:36] <gizgiz> you know what? this channel is hopeless
[20:36] *** gizgiz was kicked from #AirlineMogul by Jps [Just get lost.]


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