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Loss of revenues on the B-747 ?


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on: October 23, 2018, 10:28:25 am
Good day,


Sorry in advance as this one might be a bit complicated. However I just came across a situation where my route revenue for B747 has dropped significantly when I am swapping aircraft.

Basically, I am operating two B747-200 out of Rome, flying to Chicago, JFK, Incheon and Beijing. I have just swapped two old aircraft for newly purchased aircrafts. The variants/engines are the same. It's an exact aircraft-for-aircraft switch, on the exact same routes I was flying before. However as you will see from the screenshots below, the revenue per route has dropped significantly, for no reason that I can understand (other airline competition is not a factor here, as two of the routes have NO competition).

Aircraft #1 PREVIOUS to the swap:

Aircraft #1 AFTER the swap:

Aircraft #2 PREVIOUS to the swap:

Aircraft #2 AFTER the swap:

For example in aircraft #1, the route Rome to Beijing used to have a ticket price of 515 € and a revenue of 112,039 €, but once I changed it the ticket price is higher (517€) for a much lower revenue (77,395€)

Do you know why this is? Operating 747's is already challenging in Airline Mogul, but with these lower revenues it becomes increasingly difficult.

Note: when I swap Lockheed Tristars the revenues remain (roughly) the same, so this issue seems to affect only my 747's.

Thanks in advance.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2018, 10:42:02 am by Thunderstruck »


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Reply #1 on: October 23, 2018, 04:19:14 pm
I seem to recall fuel prices changing in the game over time. But I am not so sure. I'll try to look into it :)


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Reply #2 on: October 24, 2018, 10:20:50 am
That would be quite interesting, actually.

Still the loss in revenues is huge, I wonder if it might be something else?

Thanks for looking into this, Matias.


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Reply #3 on: November 03, 2018, 06:38:50 pm
Hi again - trying to understand when this occurs.

I was wondering if you guys could have a look at the aircraft age formulas, as a possible reason for this. Indeed I just noticed that my aircraft have a certain age, but when I put them for sale and then click on "mass remove" the age of the aircraft appears as 14 years old (!) instead of the aircraft's actual age of 4.5 years. See print screens below.

Actual age of my Tupolev aircraft are 4.5 years:

Yet when I click on "mass remove" because I want to take them off from sale, the age for the very same aircraft appears mysteriously as "14" years old:

I'm not sure if this is the reason or not, but thought it may be worth investigating... ?
« Last Edit: November 03, 2018, 06:49:34 pm by Thunderstruck »


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Reply #4 on: November 03, 2018, 06:48:07 pm
Also, this does not affect only the B747 as I first thought, but also the Concorde. I'm placing hereunder another example of how much money is being lost upon an aircraft swap, for the exact same routes. Note that there is zero competition on any of the below routes out of Vienna, so competition is clearly not a factor here.

Revenues for the Concorde prior to the aircraft swap:

Revenues for the Concorde (exact same routes) after the swap:

We therefore have a massive revenue loss of around 130,000 € after swapping an old aircraft for a new one.

Highlighted example is Vienna to Montreal: Old tix price of 795 € generates a profit of 70,999 €. When the aircraft is swapped the tix price is slightly higher 797€ and yet somehow it generates a lower profit of only 53,799 €.

There clearly seems to be a kindof problem here?

Thanks as always for your help.


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