Airline Mogul Forum

Minor Bug - Screen Refresh Issue in Alliance Voting


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on: April 20, 2008, 12:55:50 am
This is a minor bug in terms of how bugs go.

I"ve noticed that when I go to Alliance Votes, and then click on the Vote link for the airline I want to vote for. The current tally and the voting radial buttons appear and the vote button.

I select the radial button and click on Vote and the tally does not increase. Initially I thought I may have previously voted for them but I saw it occur when the tally was 0-0. If you reselect the radial button and click on the Vote button, the screen will then show the correct tally for the applicant.

Air Elbonia

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Reply #1 on: April 21, 2008, 11:06:57 pm

There. i think that does it. if not. let me know.
Air Elbonia, First in Time Travel since 2073!  (AEB ID in Game: 333)


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