Airline Mogul Forum

Mai Tai Air looking for new CEO / Merger opportunity!


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Reply #15 on: February 11, 2008, 07:33:52 pm
Every member, everyone is a part of airline mogul. Even moderators. You Cannot Merger - its as simple as that. Calm your attitude. And if you dont like the people on the forums, it was your free choice to join.


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Reply #16 on: February 11, 2008, 07:40:01 pm
Quote from: ""
man i really hate this game/forum and the people in it.

The feeling is mutual.  

I think you've been drinking to much of your airline.
UnderwAir [6] - Est. 1969.   (hehe, 69)


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Reply #17 on: February 11, 2008, 07:44:24 pm
Quote from: "Thanks_for_the_upgrade"
Quote from: ""
man i really hate this game/forum and the people in it.

The feeling is mutual.  

I think you've been drinking to much of your airline.

In democracy, freewill is the ability to do what one desires unless if its something which is against the law (Like obvious things like murder, rape etc.). You chose to play this game, and now you come and ridicule us, the game and yourself for what? My friend got a bit bored at the beginning of the game and let go of his airline. Did he come into the forum and say and do the above? No he didn't so I would like to tell you to keep your dignity.

(have I passed the test steph? :lol: couldnt help adding this on :P :lol: )

Scandalian Airlines

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Reply #18 on: February 11, 2008, 07:51:56 pm
Seriously Roger, what's wrong with you? ADHD?
I have respect for all players in here, but you.

And this is probably you playing AM:

I have never seen such bad behaviour, and believe me I have seen a lot...
Your skyrocket to elsewhere


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Reply #19 on: February 11, 2008, 07:53:31 pm
Quote from: ""
Also, dear CEO applicants - Mai Tai Air will not succeed if you have the same narrow minded approach that AirHanoverInternational does.  i.e. well you can't do that.   It is a prerequistite that any future CEOs of the company be willing to approach problems with a "can-do" attitude.  For instance, when Mai Tai Air started it was unpossible to fly from LAX to Elko Nevada, as there was no airport in AM in Elko.  However, with the help of admins (Air Elbonia comes to mind) Mai Tai Air was able to get Elko Nevada added to AM's airport list.   Similarly you must be willing to not limit yourself to the preceived limitations of Airline Mogul.

Well, thanks for your statement and the ones you let follow. I did not know that you are THAT familiar with the game rules. I just wanted to let you know before others start flaming. If you dont like the game and the forums anymore you should not care what will happen to your airline. Just leave it. As you are sooo familiar with the game you should have noticed that this round will be over soon. Therefore no broker will receive any aircraft when you leave now and come back when the next reset took place and ask the admins to delete your account. Thanks again for your comments and the first time I feel kinda p!ssed on in this forum - which I think most time is a really friendly place to get help.
an (AirHanoverInternational ID:5980)


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Reply #20 on: February 11, 2008, 07:54:30 pm
Quote from: "Scandalian Airlines"
Seriously Roger, what's wrong with you? ADHD?
I have respect for all players in here, but you.

And this is probably you playing AM:

I have never seen such bad behaviour, and believe me I have seen a lot...

fat, German, and out of breath which leads me to one point: We won the war :lol: (i like putting jokes in every second! )

but seriously, hes messed


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Reply #21 on: February 11, 2008, 07:55:46 pm
I'm locking this thread now, there's been enough discussion on the rule-side and the current replies don't add much to that discussion. If anyone feels the urgent need to discuss this matter or wants the thread re-opened, pm me.


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