Airline Mogul Forum

How can i be a broker?

joyu12 · 17 · 4156


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Reply #15 on: February 03, 2008, 03:57:44 am
since hampo has decided to lurk in the shadow ... I had an order for up to 50 planes of which 5 have been delivered so far ...
I need planes ...

can I become an official broker to get my order at the promised prices and help some others as well?


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Reply #16 on: February 03, 2008, 04:20:49 am
Quote from: "Hermosa"
since hampo has decided to lurk in the shadow ... I had an order for up to 50 planes of which 5 have been delivered so far ...
I need planes ...

can I become an official broker to get my order at the promised prices and help some others as well?

No you can't because of 2 reasons:

2. While you are incapable of reading forum announcement, there are other more capable players in this community who would be more suitable for such a position, if there is an opening.
*edit: I forgot the third reason... official brokers dont' get discount for their own fleet, so there is no point for you to ask seeing that your motive is to benefit yourself*

Topic locked because
1. there will be no new broker until reset, at which time the official broker position could vanish into thin air.
2. there is another sticky thread answering the same question.
D Express (id 616) 8)
AM Membership Officer / Official Broker


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