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Massive money bug


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Reply #30 on: December 18, 2007, 02:18:49 pm
Quote from: "pocketbookbrando"
"Stop complaining, will you?

Even in real life luck can smile to you; I know you won't get $1.5B just out of magic but still...
And anyway everyone got their $1.5B so it's not realistic maybe but it is not unfair
Concerniing new players, well the game is already hyperoversaturrated so they might just as well wait for the next round.

I don't know how you say that in English but errare humanum est (making mistake human is humane) so stop blaming the administration"

I have a pretty valid point.  That round, as it existed, is now over.  I wasted quote a bit of time dealing with that competetive landscape.  The game is entirely changed now.  Someone giving say a trillion dollars in investment to my competitors does rather play poorly for my prospects.  

That's a great resolution.  Wait until the last round.  Perhaps that should be on the front page of the game site.  If the round didn't just start, you might as well wait 4 months for it to reset.  

I quite fully understand that to err is human.  I have worked and do work with information systems all of the time.  Programming changes have to be tested before they are put in place and things such as changing system settings for one user have to very carefully be done or else the entire game is impacted.  Were this someone at Blizzard or Sony making this mistake, they'd probably be at home creating an account on Monster right now.  People do make mistakes, even big ones, but they should be willing to put the work forward to remedy the mistakes.  

This should have been taken care or RIGHT AWAY.  A backup of the database should have been restored.  Taking the money back now that every gate in existence has been taken is really not the point.  The game has been irrevocably changed by someone who made a mistake, but there has been NO effort to right that mistake.  I have every right to blame the administration.  Nowhere in the wiki, the game site, forums, etc, is it that said that massive amounts of capital will be given to the entire game base at random.

I was quite happy working up to the point where I'd get my company to $1B.  I was quite happy with hitting $40M in 3 days.  The sad thing now that is milestone is meaningless and enjoyment of growing the business to get there is gone.  

"and if you see it as magically appearing imagine you sold another company and put the money into the airline (its not hard to do) "

Yes, it's normal in aviation for $30M companies to sell a $1.5B company and invest the entire amount into the aviation industry.  This was common in 1955.   :roll:   What is even more common is for every airline in the entire world to do this at the same time.  It's common for global capital flows to inject the current dollar value of $14 Trillion into one industry.  In case you're counting, that's close to 2x the entire GDP of the United States.

Fixing the game instead of doing nothing might be a good idea.

If you are not satisfied with the game anymore, you can just leave it.
As said before, the game is free, still in BETA means it s unfinished and certainly  faulty on some points. Do with it or leave since that kind of error is likely to strike again. that's the way it is... you cannot benefit from the game and be exempted of any mistake at the same time. If you want the game to change, you ll have to accept that kind of mistake.

You never rose that high!

Air Elbonia

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Reply #31 on: December 18, 2007, 02:55:36 pm
Quote from: "pocketbookbrando"
Fixing the game instead of doing nothing might be a good idea.

By the time I realized my error, [Yes, my error, not a bug or code error], enough airlines had already started heavily spending the cash.  to pull the money at that point not only would have driven a lot of small airlines into substantial debt which would have taken them a long time to get out of, it would have offered these opportunists a significant advantage over their peer airlines who had not been online for the time the cash was sitting out [as they would not have an equal opportunity to use their X million dollars to order a substantial quantity of super connies/etc].  It was too late for me to pull the money, so i left it.  Yes, it's a bad... bad thing to hand out billions in cash at random, but it was a mistake.  

To pull a backup up would surely frustrate those who had created routes, changed gates, bought/sold used aircraft within the hour or so before i became aware of the mistake.  To pull the money would be unfair to those who weren't online at the time, and would drive those who were steeply into debt for a few weeks.  To leave the money was the best option i could see at the time.  Had i caught it fast enough, the money would have disappeared as fast as it appeared.

Fixing the game, whenever there is a significant or worthwhile bug found, is always my top priority over any other addition/modification.  I do my best to take this aspect of my job here as seriously as i can.  If you really want my access pulled.... too bad. I've got far more important things to work on to make AM better then to sit around on my laurels because i made a mistake. [Besides, Stephen would panic if he didn't have me around anymore. :P ]
Air Elbonia, First in Time Travel since 2073!  (AEB ID in Game: 333)


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Reply #32 on: December 18, 2007, 09:53:12 pm
I cannot believe that people are complaining due to a large sum being handed out to everyone, i at first didnt want to point it out (:p), but now that i see everyones got it i dont care

and secondly, and chance you could have given the sum earlier on, cause i had a large order for which i didnt have enough more for :p


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Reply #33 on: December 18, 2007, 10:11:54 pm
I have to agree in part with pocketbookbrando, that the 1.5b has completely ruined the game. It was fun building up my airline and competing against others, which now just seems a waste of time. I can't be bothered with the rest of this round now and look forward to the reset.

But at the same time I realise that this game is still under BETA testing and thus can't expect a polished product. We are all in effect acting as testers of the game until such a time as it's no longer a BETA version.

Carry on..

Trans Nevada Airways

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Reply #34 on: December 19, 2007, 02:49:18 am
Quote from: "iranair777"
I cannot believe that people are complaining due to a large sum being handed out to everyone

I know!  :lol:

(Yay First post!)
A Star Alliance Member

SeaBlue Pacific Air

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Reply #35 on: December 19, 2007, 03:33:16 am
I think we have the right to complain if we actually PAID to play this game.  Give the admins some credit.  Yes, it ruined my game but let's not forget that they're just doing all those tests to make AM more enjoyable in the future.

Relax everyone!


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