Airline Mogul Forum

Er, what just happened to my loadfactors?


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on: September 23, 2014, 05:59:01 pm
I'm playing in Private World 2903 'Reality', airline ID 8330.

I stepped away for 20 mins or so, and when I came back my average loadfactor had dropped from 100% to 92.9%. Having selected 'All under 100%' in the View Routes, I saw the following:

Having clicked into a couple of these routes, nothing has changed. I am the lowest-priced airline and yet I've dropped to 0% for some reason.

I presume that just editing each route and updating it with the current fare will sort this out, but this is a major bug.
ID: 8330


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Reply #1 on: September 24, 2014, 01:26:48 am
It has happened before, and as you say, editing them one by one should fix it.
But as far as I remember, it should go back to normal after a few days. You can email us at :staff: with user ID and world number, then we'll take a detailed look


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