Airline Mogul Forum

New AM airline, n00b questions

Exec Airlines

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on: February 13, 2011, 10:27:06 am
Greetings all,
I just started playing yesterday and I have a few questions that I couldn't find the answers to. I tried searching here in the forum, reading the manual, and a few other things, but just didn't seem to find the right stuff...  Anyway, here it goes.

1. How long is an AM day? Meaning, how often will I get "paid" my DOC or income in real time minutes/hours. I'd like to calculate when I can afford new things given my current income.

2. Is there a way that I can setup my routes to be flown in a specific order? Right now I have 4 routes, two are "freq. 3" and the other two are "freq. 1" since I don't have much money.
I'd like to set it up so that my 1 aircraft will fly a different route each time (a-b-a-c-a-b-a-d...) if that makes sense... since I only have 1 hub.

3. I've already had to reset my airline once since I had screwed it up. Is there an easier way where if I end up totally in the red while I'm still learning, that I can just reset without bugging the admins, at least to get a full new account (not needing to do this at the moment, but just in case), as if I had just found AM all over again? I know that multiple accounts is a big no-no, and I'm the type to stick to the rules.

4. Is it better to have longer routes to large airports or shorter routes to any type of airport? Where I have my main airport, there is a large airport within 100 miles. Common sense would say not to bother, but I'm not sure how the game engine is setup.

Thanks for any help anyone can provide and sorry for the n00b questions.

Exec Airline


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Reply #1 on: February 13, 2011, 11:09:34 am
1. How long is an AM day? Meaning, how often will I get "paid" my DOC or income in real time minutes/hours. I'd like to calculate when I can afford new things given my current income.
One game day is one hour. There's 24 days in a game month, meaning that one game month is one real day.

2. Is there a way that I can setup my routes to be flown in a specific order? Right now I have 4 routes, two are "freq. 3" and the other two are "freq. 1" since I don't have much money.
I'd like to set it up so that my 1 aircraft will fly a different route each time (a-b-a-c-a-b-a-d...) if that makes sense... since I only have 1 hub.
No, you can't set your routes to be flown in a specific order, but it doesn't make a difference.

3. I've already had to reset my airline once since I had screwed it up. Is there an easier way where if I end up totally in the red while I'm still learning, that I can just reset without bugging the admins, at least to get a full new account (not needing to do this at the moment, but just in case), as if I had just found AM all over again? I know that multiple accounts is a big no-no, and I'm the type to stick to the rules.
I don't think so, but the admins are here to help, and they are always friendly :)

4. Is it better to have longer routes to large airports or shorter routes to any type of airport? Where I have my main airport, there is a large airport within 100 miles. Common sense would say not to bother, but I'm not sure how the game engine is setup.
Longer routes gives more money, but you will use more hours on them. Short routes don't give as much money, but they have a high income pr. hour. E.g. a Boeing 767 flying from London to Atlanta and Chicago earns 120 000 pr. route, totalling 240 000; A Fokker 100 flying ten short routes from London earning 40 000 each earns 400 000 every game day. Add the maintenance to that, and it is more expensive to have a 767 than a Fokker 100.

Thanks for any help anyone can provide and sorry for the n00b questions.
It is okay to ask :)

And regarding routes with a frequency higher than 1, you earn less money pr. game hour with a 2x route than with two 1x routes.

I hope this helped :)


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Reply #2 on: February 13, 2011, 11:24:03 am
Welcome to AM. Queries about gameplay are better suited in the " Game Strategy " section.

Also,to get the best replies you would need to provide the concerned information. The link is :

And dont bother about being a newbie, all of us were one at some time - and some are still one :P
*TrAnS aSiA bRoKeRaGe* - Official Broker


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Reply #3 on: February 13, 2011, 03:44:30 pm
Unless your playing for realism or in a realistic type world then multiple frequencies are not really profitable. Granted there are some instances where 2xfrequency can make more than 1x frequency but a general rule of thumb is 1xfrequency. This will get you the most routes with the least amount of planes. 


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Reply #4 on: February 14, 2011, 01:38:09 pm
There is no quick way to reset your airline yourself. It is an add-in security feature to stop people from cheating.
You have to email us at :staff: for the reset. We don't see it as a bother... well, at least within reasons :P . Now, we don't reset the same airline more than once within 24 hours, and probably not more than 3 times in a week.
(In any case, we vent our frustration at the rule-breakers only :lol:)

Most of our admins started as a new player, so we understand what you are going through. :)
« Last Edit: February 14, 2011, 01:39:50 pm by dktc »
D Express (id 616) 8)
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Reply #5 on: February 14, 2011, 11:12:53 pm
Any how can I be an admin?

<3 this game :D
Sincerely, Mastafa


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Reply #6 on: February 15, 2011, 03:37:04 pm
Admins are by appointments only. For coders/developers, we do post ads in the forum at times, but for other positions, we are usually the one to approach the prospects.
Keep on being active in the community (forum, irc, info board... etc) and you will get noticed.
Who knows, we might approach you when the need arises.
D Express (id 616) 8)
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Reply #7 on: February 15, 2011, 10:06:56 pm
Ah... What's IRC again? I heard (in someone's signature) Internet Relay Cow?
Sincerely, Mastafa

Virgin Serbia

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Reply #8 on: February 16, 2011, 08:45:46 am
Ah... What's IRC again? I heard (in someone's signature) Internet Relay Cow?

Internet Relay Chat.

Can also be:
Circle City Airport
Immigration Removal Centre
International Rescue Corps,
International Rescue Committee
Industrial Relations Commission
International Relations Center
Interhemispheric Resource Center
Internal Revenue Code
O0 Lotus Airlines of India (PW#2650) •


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