Airline details: Delta Air Lines [Private world #737; ID 22903]
Route IDs involved: 1355, 1671
Type of bug: suspected loadfactor bug
In private world #737, I discovered an anomaly in loadfactor calculation, exemplified by the following two instances:
1. Aircraft ID 173, an Airbus A319, is deployed on the route DTW - CLE (route ID 1355), and since extra hours are available I decided to increase the frequency from one roundtrip flight each day to two, anticipating that this would bring me extra revenue (despite its being less optimal).
The following screenshots display what happens before and after the increase in frequency.

With the same fare with which I can attain a 100% loadfactor by flying one roundtrip each day, I can only attain a 32% loadfactor if I fly two roundtrips each day. This sounds blatantly ridiculous - by flying twice each day, fewer passengers are willing to fly with my airline even though I offer the same fare - I mean, it is reasonable that I cannot achieve a 100% loadfactor on the route if I fly it twice each day with the optimal fare for a daily flight, but it is not reasonable at all that my loadfactor should drop to anything below 50%.
2. As part of my long-term expansion plan I changed the equipment on the DTW - BNA route (current route ID 1671) from a Boeing 717-200BGW to an Airbus A319. The optimal fare is $360 on a B717:

When I upgrade the equipment to an A319 and apply the same fare, the loadfactor drops to 66%:

Now a B717 seats 117 passengers while an A319 seats 145. This would probably mean that I should be able to seat 117 passengers on the A319 if I apply the optimal fare ($360) for the B717, resulting in a 80.7% loadfactor. But again, it turns out that an equipment upgrade without a change in fare ends up reducing the number of people willing to fly on the route.
The two instances sound so strange that I would suspect that there is a bug in the script for loadfactor calculation. Can someone please look into the problem, or explain to me the rationale behind such anomalies if this is not a bug at all?