General Chat / Re: That issue on the 737 being vastly inferior to the A320 family...
« on: August 19, 2011, 02:48:07 am »The 707 is uncompetitive. It has too high a fuel burn compared to the competition. To update the 707 so that it would be competitive, you would have to fit 2 high bypass engines instead of 4, and fit an all-new wing, as well as lighten the weight through the use of lighter alloys and fitting of a lighter landing gear. The result is basically a 737, with the same flaws as the 737.
The 2 vs 4 engine issue is not a trend. It is simply the most practical way to save fuel. And in the future you will see fewer and fewer 4 engined aircraft, regardless of engine/fuel technology."
Apparently you aren't reading what I said, because I pretty much affirmed that nobody's going to use it. Also note that I never said a darn thing about revamping the aircraft and yet they could still PERFORM. And yes, 2 vs. 4 engines is a trend. If not for higher gas prices I'd bet there'd be more diversity in airliners, and we probably wouldn't be having this conversation right now because the concept of Boeing not reworking the 737 wouldn't be a problem.
"The numbers are simple. 1377x NEOs vs 185x MC-21 vs 100x C919 vs 0 737RE. How can that not be lopsided?"
The numbers are simple once you eliminate the fact that- like I'd originally stated- the 737RE does not exist off the design boards at Boeing. Both GPWestjet and I appear to be able to get this fact through our heads, get it through yours. In the meantime, I think I'll take a break from this "debate", as its apparent my words aren't having any positive effect with you.
"Yes, it is the biggest continent on the globe, but that only makes it more important for the manufacturers. Thats where the most money is. The asians tend not to care too much about buying Russian, Chinese or Japanese airliners either."
Once again, thanks for regurgitating what I said.
"Don't be silly. Dispatch reliability upon EIS - Entry Into Service. That means the first 1 or 2 planes. And comparing the dispatch reliability on EIS between different types makes sense, as the exact same number were in service upon EIS."
Yea, if a plane got through a rather rocky development period and got horrible EIS stats but went on to become a rather successful design I suppose you'd still hold it against it? Aviation isn't a perfect industry, and as a result I wouldn't put too much of my money into statistics.
"But you don't even seem to get the fact that there is a market outside the US... "
Actually I've admitted that I don't talk about the markets outside of the US, as that is where I am most knowledgeable. But then again, you don't seem to get the fact that a company needs market penetration and that the 737RE doesn't exist, so who are you to talk?
"As for those Eurocopters manufactured in China, thats not reverse engineering. Eurocopter sold them the rights (end equipment) to build them. They are entirely legitimate. The Zhi-15 is even developed in cooperation with Eurocopter."
Again, thanks for saying the exact same thing I said earlier.
"The Chinese have also begun building lots of equipment from the ground up. They've sent Taikonauts into space on homegrown spacecraft and rockets, and they have built the J-10 and JF-17 fighters, and even the J-20 stealth fighter, and no less than 2 stealth attack helicopters."
The J-10 relies on Russian goods to fly and was developed by the assets of the IAI Lavi program, the JF-17 is pretty much derived from their efforts in reverse engineering the MiG-21, and the J-20 is rumored to be based on what they've managed to hack out of us and the Russians. The rest I either don't have knowledge enough about or just plain out don't believe you about.
"Sorry, but you specifically mentioned the E-170"
Yea, in what I've heard personal accounts about Embraer's sucking. My original comment referencing that they've managed to fill a niche that nobody else has room in- in my opinion- was rather obviously referring to their mainstay products in the EMB-110/120/ERJ-135/145. Aside from Bombardier there's not another company with regional jets out there that is anywhere near as successful as Embraer is, and like I said earlier, Bombadiers have rather blatant performance issues from what I've heard.
Regardless, I take my break from this thread as it appears to be heading nowhere fast.