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Topics - Blue Sky Mine

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General Chat / Registration
« on: September 24, 2008, 04:51:13 pm »
Is it possible to register your planes in a country where you have no base? I know that some real airlines (like SU) do that and it would be really cool if we could do the same! :)

Bugs / Renting a gate at my homebase (FRA)
« on: September 23, 2008, 07:22:18 pm »
I just tried to rent a third gate at my homebase. There are enough gates left and I should have enough money (ok I'm in the red zone but not as deep as I was when I rented my last gates) but it tells me that I do not have enough cash!

General Chat / Wryyyyyyyyy I'm back!
« on: September 20, 2008, 07:45:46 pm »
As some of you might have noticed I disappeared from this game shortly after multiworlds came out. Now with a little more time on my hands I've decided to come back.

My question: Were there any significant changes within the last few months that will make me go bust if I'm not aware of them?

General Chat / Olympus ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 40-150mm 1:4.0-5.6
« on: May 11, 2008, 02:37:25 pm »
Anybody on here who got this lense for his camera? Any opinions on quality/usability etc.?

General Chat / Where AM is blocked
« on: April 21, 2008, 01:50:14 pm »
Quote from: "AirHanoverInternational"
With Mutiworlds this could be a nice variant of the game as I don't have the time either. I would like to see what others think.

The problem is, even you don't have the time and still you add/update many more routes then for example I do- and I'm a student :shock:

General Chat / MD11-Club
« on: April 15, 2008, 10:14:50 pm »
After opening a Club for people who'll buy the MD11 in 1991 on the Worldair-forum I'll now do the same on here.

Members don't get any rewards except for the certification that their airlines (and they themselves) are soooo jetset 8)

General Chat / Foreign Base penalty
« on: April 14, 2008, 09:03:20 pm »
what does that mean exactly? It would help a great deal if such things were written down in the AMWiki!!

General Chat / MD 11 question
« on: April 14, 2008, 06:43:20 pm »
how much will it cost? :D

Bugs / Pet Mogul
« on: April 01, 2008, 07:49:43 am »
Hey I'm not able to log into pet mogul???

Anyways, the board looks a bit like a gaybar :lol:

Bugs / The dropdown menues
« on: March 05, 2008, 12:15:48 pm »
Is it my old FiFo browser or a bug that I cannot acces  the dropdown menues "Routes", "Finances", "Rankings" and "Admin" anymore?

I got the idea that it might have got something to do with the stupid ad banner underneath the dropdowns :roll:

General Chat / Stupid warnings on youtube :D
« on: March 01, 2008, 05:06:03 pm »

Well, it helps you a lot to have an intact house when the a-bomb has blown you away :roll:

General Chat / Funpics
« on: February 12, 2008, 03:45:59 pm »

General Chat / The dark eye
« on: February 02, 2008, 08:05:23 pm »
anyone on here who plays it?

Original version: (Das schwarze Auge)

Game Data / More planes!!!
« on: January 28, 2008, 07:11:16 pm »
From a German airline magazine I've got a table with data for certain aircraft not currently represented in AM. The table shows the lenghts, wingspan, heights, max pax numbers, freight capacity, engine type, engine power, range, speed and MTOW of many interesting planes.

Planes that would be good but currently aren't represented in AM:

ACAC ARJ 21 -700

Airbus A 330 -200F
          A 350 -800

Antonov AN 124-100M-150

Boeing B 747-8 Intercontinental
           B 747-8F
           B 777F
           B 787 -300

Bombardier Dash8 Q400 (Different versions with different MTOWs)

Embraer 170AR

Iljushin IL-96-400M

Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company SSJ 100

Tupolev TU-204 -120C

If you want any of the data respond to this thread, write me a pm or a mail!

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