General Chat / Owed to Monster Energy (with a few pics :D )
« on: October 28, 2009, 09:29:00 pm »
Do ya love it? Hah? Do ya? I do. And to prove my love for Monster energy drinks, I shall show you a few pictures of me with my friends in Dublin City University today. (It's the only place people my age can hang around without being accused of robbing something

But anyways! If you have had, or have heard of Monster... what do you think of the lovely stuff? Oh, and what flavours are available?
Over here we only have Original (which I call green flavour), Ripper, and Lo-Carb.
The Lovely Sky. (me on the left)

€4.60 worth of Monster - about a litre.

480% of Vitamin B12 in the 2 cans - is that good? :S

Me, just before a start to sprint around Ireland

Woo Monster!