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Topics - czhang

Pages: 1
[-] Suggestions / Mobile version!
« on: April 17, 2011, 03:20:15 pm »
For the truly addicted/bored... :lol:

How about a mobile-optimized version of the site, or perhaps mobile apps? This would most likely be a very long term feature request but nonetheless very cool and useful...

Bugs / Can't change world password
« on: October 26, 2008, 11:01:04 pm »
i get this error:

Warning: mysql_affected_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 42

World Password was NOT Updated

General Chat / Slow forum!
« on: October 04, 2008, 01:57:06 pm »
Ever since the update to SMF, the forum has been running slow as hell...anyone know why?

Bugs / [FIXED] Where's my premium gate search?
« on: September 26, 2008, 04:23:57 pm »
I used the tokens to purchase the premium gate search earlier, but today I found that it would only show up as the basic gate search, with the notice that I can upgrade to premium. If I click that link, it then says that I "appear to already have this feature". What has happened here?

Bugs / Can't load the site
« on: August 25, 2008, 08:14:36 am »
When I go to it says the server could not be found. I've tried pinging the site and doing a tracert as well but it keeps telling me it could not find the site/it does not exist. I understand that there will be some server maintenance but that is supposed to be on Wednesday, isn't it?

Bugs / Request aircraft page
« on: July 17, 2008, 05:52:20 am »
I was trying to broker a 732 adv from dex but when I put "D Express" and "-3" on the request aircraft page and click submit, it automatically changes to "open market" and "-2". I've tried several times with the same result.
and I AM using firefox

Game Strategy / Strategy for starting off
« on: July 09, 2008, 11:38:59 am »
Normally I would play it slowly and wait for my money to build up - that's worked in the past for me. However, this time, I seem to be stuck. I managed to buy a cheap Pilatus after I used up all the hours on my starting a/c (i'm in W8) but with all the gate costs, I'm losing 40-50k a month! So what are your strategies, and what is the best way to start off an airline?

edit: I also ordered another plane but can't pay for it because whenever I log on I'm 1-2m in the red - I did have the money to purchase when I ordered through a broker (dex brokerage to save money lol) but now I don't

General Chat / Its Official: NW and DL are merging
« on: April 15, 2008, 06:30:22 am »
Good news for the airlines, but as a WorldPerks Elite member, I'm still worried about the FF programme.

Delta, Northwest Approve Merger

 ATLANTA, Georgia (CNN) -- The directors of Delta Air Lines and Northwest Airlines reached agreement on a merger deal that -- if approved -- would create the world's largest airline.

The combined new airline will have a combined value of $17.7 billion, Delta says.

The Atlanta-based combined airline will have $17.7 billion enterprise value, according to the statement on Monday. Delta CEO Richard Anderson will head the merged carrier, which will retain the Delta name.

Both airlines emerged from bankruptcy protection last year.

Delta also announced on Monday it reached an agreement with its pilot union to extend the existing collective bargaining agreement through the end of 2012. The agreement, subject to a vote by the pilots, provides Delta pilots a 3.5 percent equity stake in the new company and other enhancements to the current contract.

Officials said the new airline would provide employees great job security and stability in the face of rising fuel costs and competition.

Customers also stand to benefit from the merger with competitive fares and more flight choices, officials said.

"We said we would only enter into a consolidation transaction it is was right for all of our constituencies," Anderson said in a statement. "Delta and Northwest are a perfect fit."
Don't Miss

Northwest CEO Doug Steenland said the combined airline "will be able to overcome the industry's boom-and-bust cycles."

But Northwest's pilots' union quickly announced that it opposed the proposed merger, complaining that Delta and its pilots' union had come to their agreement without input from the Northwest pilots.

"This agreement clearly disadvantages NWA pilots both with respect to economic issues and seniority list integration," said union chairman Dave Stevens. "A merger built on this unstable foundation is likely to put the combined airline in a position similar to that of US Airways.

Stevens said that such a labor relations scenario would combine with current economic problems -- including the rising price of oil -- "to place the Northwest pilots and all other Northwest employees at greater risk than as a stand-alone carrier."

Combined, the airline and its regional partners will offer flights to nearly 400 destinations in 67 countries.

Officials say they expect to generate more than $1 billion in annual revenue through more effective use of aircraft, a comprehensive and diversified route system, reduced overhead and improved operational efficiency.

Front-line employees of Delta and Northwest will be provided seniority protection, and U.S.-based non-pilot employees of both companies would be provided a 4 percent equity stake in the new airline upon closing.

Company officials said they expect no involuntary furloughs of front-line employees as a result of the merger and that the existing pension plans for employees from both companies would be protected. Front-line employees include flight attendants, baggage handlers and others who deal directly with the public.

No hub closures are expected to result from the merger.

Last month, Delta offered voluntary retirement and buyout packages to about 30,000 employees and is slashing domestic capacity by an extra 5 percent this year to deal with record high fuel costs and a weakening U.S. economy.

The airline announced plans to cut 2,000 front-line, administrative and management positions through attrition, retirement and limited hiring.

Employees can apply for the retirement and buyout packages, which won't be offered to pilots, between April 14 and May 12, according to a memo sent in March.

Bugs / sent 0/0/0
« on: April 14, 2008, 10:01:20 am »
Hi I'm not entirely sure that this counts as a bug but when I received a message in-game I noticed the sent date was 0/0/0. Other messages were normal, but this one had this problem.

Bugs / [Not a bug...] header picture
« on: April 11, 2008, 09:26:45 am »
I can't see the header picture that has the AM logo on it...Its just a blank space. When I login I see a little bit of gray on the right but it fades out and the rest is still blank...

General Chat / Focus city - return extra gates?
« on: March 07, 2008, 09:37:36 am »
After I create a focus city, do I have to use them all or can I return the ones I don't use?

Pages: 1
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