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Messages - Mastafa

Pages: 1 2 3 ... 137
General Chat / Re: Count to 10,000
« on: March 21, 2019, 02:00:45 am »

Honestly the old theme is hella nostalgic but ill take this new modern theme anyday. it's so clean

General Chat / Re: Count to 10,000
« on: March 18, 2019, 05:53:13 am »

is it just me or is this a new theme

General Chat / Re: Count to 10,000
« on: March 01, 2019, 03:01:57 am »

General Chat / Re: Count to 10,000
« on: February 26, 2019, 06:23:59 am »

imma probably be inactive again when schoolwork picks up :p

im cringing so hard reading at my past posts : (

General Chat / Re: Count to 10,000
« on: February 26, 2019, 03:30:59 am »

Yep! That abysmal range.

and yeah, but at least it is sort of mitigated by turn-around times existing in airline mogul, which is better than some other games :p
Now if we were forced to follow FAA rules and were not allowed to fly them supersonic over land....

General Chat / Re: Count to 10,000
« on: February 24, 2019, 11:44:07 pm »

I'm more of the go big or go home type

I find it amusing that the most profitable aircraft in this (and some of the other airline management games that I played) are planes that were a commercial flop (such as the Dassault Mercure, Concorde, etc). Quite interesting 

General Chat / Re: Count to 10,000
« on: February 24, 2019, 10:10:45 pm »

Yeah I should! I am actually part of a couple private worlds as of this moment. I don't have much to do lately so I've been grinding and expanding rapidly (like fly to every airport within 2000NM in EU expansion). Only doing that because of a bet with a friend though, LOL.

Usually with the grind strategy, you don't have to replace your airplanes at all (One of my airlines' has a average fleet age of 25.4 years, but it still turns a profit). But it gets boring real fast, so I usually have like a YouTube video playing alongside to help keep me from getting too bored.

Smaller airlines are nice because you get to have a bigger challenge IMO - with large airlines, it just gets _too_ grindy because you have a lot of cash.

I find it amusing that back then, long haul routes were not profitable at all and they still aren't (Stephen y u no fix D:<)). I almost destroyed one of my airlines by ordering 1000 A380's. My maintenance costs literally rose to like 60 billion in a "month". Any ETA on that being fixed? If not, any way that I can help? I'm studying to become a computer engineer so I may be able to help out here and there and gain experience in the process :p . Literally everyone I know that played this game (8 people) quit because of how grindy it is

General Chat / Re: Count to 10,000
« on: February 23, 2019, 10:39:27 pm »

I quit the game, came back, quit again and came back again and matias is still here :)

I think back when I was actually active matias wasn't part of staff/just became part of staff

General Chat / Re: The Word Association Game #2
« on: September 09, 2015, 11:48:42 pm »

General Chat / Re: Count to 10,000
« on: September 09, 2015, 11:47:57 pm »

General Chat / Re: The corrupted wish game.
« on: May 02, 2014, 04:12:20 am »
wish granted, only the ping is 50,000ms

i wish for someone to see if they remember me or not

General Chat / Re: The Word Association Game #2
« on: May 02, 2014, 03:42:21 am »

General Chat / Re: The corrupted wish game.
« on: November 10, 2012, 01:54:47 am »
Wish granted, you tease your college room mate into suicide (I heard that happened to him from somewhere :o)

I wish for a turtoise

General Chat / Re: Count to 10,000
« on: November 04, 2012, 07:47:11 pm »

General Chat / Re: The Word Association Game #2
« on: November 04, 2012, 12:28:46 am »

Pages: 1 2 3 ... 137
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