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Messages - Flight fan

Pages: 1
Suggestions / Re: Lease options
« on: December 24, 2019, 11:24:48 am »
I'd quite like to see the option of extending the lease agreement added to the game.

Another option that might come in handy for those leasing aircraft would be to let them buy the aircraft outright without having to close the routes operated by said aircraft. Of course the owner would have to agree to the sale.

Edit: Disregard my first option, I only noticed after I posted this reply that it was already suggested. I have however not seen anything regarding my second option.

General Chat / Re: How to accept requests to join world?
« on: October 21, 2019, 09:54:56 pm »
My friend created a forum account yesterday evening and tried again, but we still couldn't figure out how it worked. But, thankfully, Stephen helped out. Not that my friend seems to have started playing yet, but that's another matter entirely.

Still, it'll be interesting to see what happens next time someone wants to join.

General Chat / Re: How to accept requests to join world?
« on: October 20, 2019, 11:41:15 am »
Hm... So it has to go via the forum? That'll make things a little bit more difficult, as I can't find my friends username in the memberlist.

General Chat / How to accept requests to join world?
« on: October 19, 2019, 04:50:27 pm »
The title says it all. I recently created a new private world and invited some friends, but I can't remember how to accept their requests to join the (password protected) world. It's not my first private world, but I haven't played in ages. All it says in the in-game message is "Please reply to AM Forum user (...)" but I don't have any messages here on the forum.

I am very confused right now.

General Chat / Re: Single Aircraft DOC
« on: January 04, 2010, 10:51:54 pm »
Shorts 330-100 DOC: 11,447

General Chat / Noob questions
« on: January 04, 2010, 10:34:17 pm »
Hi. Im new to the game and i have some questions:

1. How do i repaint my aircarafts, if possible?
2. If i have a route from one airport to another, for example ARN-LHR, does it shuttle between them or not?
3. What is a focus city?
4. How do i create a focus city?
5. Can you be friends with other airlines, except for alliances?
6. Can you take out loans?
7. How do i earn/recive tokens, except for buying them?
8. How do i make money? :roll: :lol: ;)

Possibly more to come.

Pages: 1
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