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Messages - Mjolnir

Pages: 1
General Chat / Comet
« on: October 31, 2007, 03:50:21 pm »
Quote from: "TerryWrist"
i can't believe so many of you are worried about fuel efficiency?
Have you looked at your fuel costs in your financial statements?

Just making numbers up, but if you have two similar planes and the "smaller" one puts 90% of the seats in the air for 50% of the fuel cost you should come out ahead in the long run.

Once you start factoring in speed, turn time, and total number of miles possible in 24 hours that changes some but it's still not something you can just ignore.

An expensive plane with a low number of seats and a huge fuel load may not be your best option (no matter how fast it is) when planes carrying twice the passengers at half the fuel load at 60% of the speed for less purchase cost are available.

General Chat / Re: Plane speed in trip generation
« on: October 30, 2007, 03:02:01 pm »
Quote from: "Air Elbonia"
Quote from: "Mjolnir"
Does the route generation algorithm take speed into account?

It seems like when I generate/update a route I can charge higher/same prices for a faster plane but I have to undercut to get passengers on a slower plane.

Am I missing something? Or is it programmed to make passengers desire a 2 hour flight over a 3 hour flight?

Yes, speed is taken into account.  a 2 hr flight vs a 3 hr flight should not have the same weight as a 20 hr vs a 21 hr flight, however.  it still does have an impact.
Thank you for the answer.

It's nice to know I'm not crazy on at least one thing.

General Chat / Plane speed in trip generation
« on: October 29, 2007, 04:04:59 pm »
Does the route generation algorithm take speed into account?

It seems like when I generate/update a route I can charge higher/same prices for a faster plane but I have to undercut to get passengers on a slower plane.

Am I missing something? Or is it programmed to make passengers desire a 2 hour flight over a 3 hour flight?

General Chat / Anything to be done about Under Cutters
« on: October 24, 2007, 11:26:50 pm »
I think one thing that nobody has mentioned is experience in the game.

I started playing late in the last age, and I was one of those miserable $1 undercutters everybody hates.

After my experience last RL month, and some time to reflect on my "game", I've changed the way I do business. I still won't leave a route I'm on, but I'm much less aggressive about running 100% capacity and maximizing each routes profit.

It appears (to me) that I spend less time chiseling for $500 on a flight. I enjoy my time here more, and I hope that my new method enhances other's playing time.

What I'm trying to say is that you can't do anything about undercutters any more than Delta can with Southwest, so either accept that as a fact of life, change your business model, or utilize Cornfields rule.

General Chat / My Airline Value
« on: October 16, 2007, 10:57:57 pm »
Quote from: "Armygrognard"
Quote from: "Air Elbonia"
It could also be the time of month effect.

 :shock:  :shock:  :shock:
:D  :D  :D

Game News / Zero Tolerance
« on: October 15, 2007, 03:17:26 pm »
Quote from: "Tulane"

I'm finding the same. I accidentally found this out when I wanted to add an extra flight to a higher revenue airport (MCO versus BTR). It seems the .5's do generate significantly more cash. However, when I get new planes I'll be changing the .5's to 1's.

This is what I did. I flew a whole bunch of hub/spoke .5 freq routes until I generated enough money to purchase planes and switch to 1 freq routes.

I don't believe I have any .5 routes left, and if I do it's no more than 1 to fill out a planes hours.

I would probably (  :D  ) make more money the old way, but I no longer feel like a cheater, so I enjoy my "game" more now.

My point (insofar as I have one) is that everybody plays the game differently, and for different reasons. I hope the mods enforce the rules they have in place, and I hope my competitors play to win- with honor.

I'm enjoying it so far, and I want to thank the mods/developers/owners for their work.

Hammer of the Gods- Your northern Europe connection.

Game News / REMINDER: Multiple Accounts
« on: October 11, 2007, 08:16:32 pm »
Quote from: "sla31"
Yes, scraped planes get sent to brokers but we still have to pay for the planes so I've got a negitive amount in my bank account.
Thanks for the education.

Game News / REMINDER: Multiple Accounts
« on: October 11, 2007, 05:12:04 pm »
I clicked on this thread hoping to find out how some airlines have multiple planes while others have zero at a time when game play is frozen.

Are those accounts for game developers/owners (and therefore logically not subject to the same limitations I am), or is there a way I can get a leg up early?

Did I miss a trick somewhere?

General Chat / Anyone else have a 'hurt' airline created for them??
« on: October 04, 2007, 06:05:09 pm »
Quote from: "Blue Sky Mine"

But you do know that the gates at certain locations in Northern America and Asia are very rare? Ever tried to get a gate at JFK (Wootwoot, I got one :D ) or at Montreal?

Can be kinda hard sometimes. And at the moment you'd also have problems aquiring enough longhaul planes. Lease market is emptied of anything bigger than an A321 except for the 772LR, which is kinda ridiculous for a route from WE to the eastcoast.
I got a gate at JFK, and I passed on one at Logan.

I passed because I didn't have the cash to buy a 777 or 747 to service a 1000-2500 person route with no one else on it.

Difficult does not equal impossible, and it's a little odd that people are complaining about how a big airline can't grow if they use smaller DOP routes.

I was under the impression that if you have planes sitting idle and the cash to rent gates that adding $100,000 DOP from an uncontested or lightly contested route with a 100k or 50k gate rental fee is getting bigger, not smaller.

Let's see how things go after the reset.

General Chat / Anyone else have a 'hurt' airline created for them??
« on: October 03, 2007, 09:32:29 pm »
Quote from: "Daemonfly"
A certain airline has shown up on a lot of routes I had solo, and a few others where most of us were sharing quite well, and always tries to take all the passengers.
This complaint would have merit if I didn't find 1 uncontested route a day with revenues in the $75,000 to $100,000 DOP range.

I also know several cities in Europe with 1.5 million to 2.5 million passengers each with either no flights or only one .5 flight to New York (JFK) and other east coast american cities.

You guys could be buying big jets and laying them on these routes all day long, but you haven't bothered to. Instead you build up large idle fleets and huge bank accounts and complain about 1 euro routes between London and Paris.

It's awful hard to take the complaints about competition from us noobs seriously when the more senior players haven't even fully exploited what they already have.

General Chat / Aircraft for d1-3508 to add
« on: October 02, 2007, 01:00:15 am »
Quote from: "blue25"
Concorde is already in the game.
Look here:
Anybody have any game experience with the Concorde?

Is it worth buying one, or is it a gas hog that doesn't pay for itself?

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