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Messages - Simius

Pages: 1
General Chat / Couple of Questions
« on: November 04, 2007, 07:29:12 am »
They are both monthly fees.  You get charged that amount up front and then again on the first of every month.

Bugs / Lease Revenue?
« on: October 19, 2007, 09:14:40 am »
I have been getting the money for the leases as soon as they are leased.  And I am pretty sure I get the money each month as well on the 1st.  The only problem I see is that the initial lease fee isn't showing up in the financial statement. Only the lease money you get at the 1st of the month shows up in the financial statement.

Hope that helps pinpoint the problem.

Bugs / Route Map not loading
« on: October 17, 2007, 06:04:46 am »
My route map doesn't load anymore from the Admin page.  However when I click on my airplane it shows its routes just fine.

I clicked on the view source button and it showed this:
<div align="center"><img src=""></div><br><br>   </td>

Whereas the plane I fly the map is generated with this code:
<center><img src=",TBZ-IST,TBZ-IKA,TBZ-IFN,TBZ-SYZ,TBZ-RUH,TBZ-DXB,TBZ-KWI,TBZ-THR,"></center></div></p>   </td>

My airline ID is 3632

All my flights come out of:
TBZ     Tabriz International

And they fly to the following airports:
SDA     Baghdad International         
DXB    Dubai International Airport       
IFN    Isfahan International       
IST    Istanbul Atatürk       
KWI    Kuwait International Airport       
RUH    Riyadh - King Khaled Internati       
SYZ    Shiraz International       
THR    Tehran - Mehrabad       
IKA    Tehran- Imam Khomeini


Bugs / Load factor/Profit not same on View Routes vs Update Route
« on: October 17, 2007, 12:03:59 am »
When I edit one of my .5 routes the load factor goes from 100% to 50.75%... even if I keep the price exactly the same.  (Tabriz International -> Baghdad International FLT# 19558)

When I edit one of my 1.0 routes the load factor goes from 100% to 66.88%... even if I keep the price exactly the same. (Tabriz International -> Tehran - Mehrabad FLT# 19981)

It is almost like somewhere along the way of calculating the load it adds a .5 ghost segment and apportions 1/2 of the passengers to the ghost segment on .5 flights and 1/3 of the pax to the ghost segment on 1.0 flights.  (I assume it would apportion 1/4 of the pax to the ghost segment on 1.5 flights).  This only happens when editing routes.  If you create a new route it doesn't add the ghost segment.  

You can get around it by deleting your route and making a new one... but that is kind of a silly strategy.  You can also still get 100% load by dropping your prices a lot when you edit your route... I think because it increases the demand enough that when 1/3 of the passengers are sent to the ghost flight, there are still enough to fill your actual flight.

I'm not sure if that ghost segment is intentional, if it is then you should make it so it adds the ghost segment when you are creating new routes as well... Not just when you edit them.

Hopefully my explanation was clear enough for you to figure it out.

There are no other flights on those routes.

Edit: My airline ID is 3632

Bugs / Load factor/Profit not same on View Routes vs Update Route
« on: October 16, 2007, 09:23:52 pm »
Yeah, I have the same problem.  If you have an existing route and you edit it, it seems like it uses your existing route as competition against yourself so you get half the load you originally did.  But if you close the route then remake it... That competition goes away so you get your full load.  It is weird.

Bugs / Gate Searching
« on: October 13, 2007, 07:52:08 pm »
I was looking at the "Gate Search" screen and I noticed it doesn't calculate the distances from your departure airport.  All the distances say "0 NM"  Also, it would be sweet if you could filter the results based on how far away an airport is from your departure airport.  This would really save me a lot of time in the future.


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