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Messages - dskluz

Pages: 1 2 3 4
General Chat / Re: Airbus or Boeing? which do you prefer
« on: June 16, 2009, 08:05:47 pm »
Airbus because they made in Europe ;) and i think most of them are cheaper then they competitors from Boeing

OK, I choose Boeing because they're a US company.  :P

Bugs / Aircraft hours problem
« on: June 16, 2009, 06:05:53 pm »
Some of my aircraft have more than 24 hours available - between 24 and 48 hours, actually. I believe I caused this problem by trying to close too many routes too quickly. I am in world 506. See this for aircraft ID's:

General Chat / Re: Lost interest
« on: May 12, 2009, 06:42:47 pm »
Somehow I don't think that emoticon is appropriate...
... but yea, no one single game could entertain you forever.

Just kidding... :lol: (I hope you're not seeing something in that emoticon that was not intended) ...yes, we all lose interest after a while - that's why I usually take a break from AM for several months at a time, and of of course I'm sometimes just too busy and have to put it on hold for a loadfactor takes a hit, but there you go...

General Chat / Re: Lost interest
« on: May 12, 2009, 09:54:47 am »
There will be new features coming in the next two months or so,

What's that about something?...?...

General Chat / Re: Is the game trying to tell me something?
« on: May 06, 2009, 01:52:32 am »
they are becoming drier every time :p

Well, that's not very nice.  :P

General Chat / Re: Show your colors - The Liveries Topic
« on: May 01, 2009, 12:49:00 am »
I've brushed up my two liveries on L-1011's with shading:
My standard livery:

My special livery:

General Chat / Re: Is the game trying to tell me something?
« on: April 30, 2009, 10:35:15 pm »
Look at this one, interesting coincidence:

General Chat / Do you remember when...?
« on: April 27, 2009, 07:29:54 pm »
I remember when my airline ID of 2402 was considered high...I joined AM in the old 2000's round (that would have been in August of 07) and then I also played in the 1950's round. Even funnier, back then my airline name was Jupiter Jetlines...then I changed it to Lake Superior Airlines (and ever since world 3 it's been Superior Airways.) I remember everyone was so eager for multi-worlds then...the AM community really boomed in mid-2008 in the time leading up to multiworlds and the few months after multiworlds. Good times... There was the pink website, and then the intermediate green one. I don't know, ever since the start of private worlds things just seem fractured in the AM community, it makes me pine for the good old days of last year.

Bugs / Problem with 0.5 routes
« on: April 21, 2009, 03:55:34 am »
I noticed (while playing in world 506,) that there seems to be a problem with the game in the area of 0.5 routes:

- First, I noticed the game showed me the ^ carat symbol meaning "no one-way flights" for planes that had only one 0.5 route on them at the time.
- I was, however, able to make further 0.5 routes with those planes.
- Furthermore, the game, when I tested it to see if it would, allowed me to make a third 0.5 flight on an aircraft which would logically be unable to do this. (it happened to be plane id #8380) Of course, I then closed the route.

Implemented Suggestions / Re: Extra decimal place in plane hours?
« on: April 16, 2009, 10:35:41 pm »
When I calculate an estimate for distance I can fly in an plane's remaining hours, I start by subtracting 0.4 from the hours shown. Because it's rounded to the nearest integer, this gives me a 90% chance of being able to make it to the distance I calculate. (example: 5 hours could mean anywhere from 4.5 to 5.499 hours, so I use 4.6 hours) I figure the small 10% risk is worth it in case there's a bigger airport just a little farther away. Don't forget to also subtract turn times before multiplying by speed.
Your other option is to add up the block times for all the other routes to find exactly how much time you have left.
In any case I think changing the hours value to be rounded to the nearest tenth instead of to the nearest one sounds like a good idea.

General Chat / Re: No really long airport names
« on: April 05, 2009, 08:33:29 pm »
OK, I understand. Sorry about that. But I am still wondering why it couldn't just be "Boston - Logan International." Also, if airport name and city are split into two database columns, how will this change the appearance of 'View Gates' and 'View Routes'?

General Chat / really long airport names?
« on: April 05, 2009, 06:42:15 pm »
I just noticed someone is changing airport names to things like "Boston - General Edward Lawrence Logan International" or "Glen Burnie - Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshal Airport." I don't know who is doing this - it would have to be someone on the staff, I'm sure - but these names, correct or not, are really obnoxious - please change them back!  :roll:

General Chat / needing cash to rent a gate?
« on: March 29, 2009, 06:05:59 pm »
The game is telling me I do not have enough cash to rent a gate, but it only seems to happen when I try to rent at airports where I already have gates. At the moment my bank balance is at about $2 million in the hole. (world is just getting started.) This has never happened to me, at least not for a long time - I think that when I first started playing AM you needed cash to rent gates, but the rule was changed - so I was wondering if anyone can explain this, or is it a bug, or what? I can't seem to find any mention of it on the forum.

Bugs / Re: [FIXED] Acquire Additional Bug - Ghost aircraft
« on: November 26, 2008, 05:47:55 pm »
Yes, good. Thank you.

Bugs / Re: Acquire Additional Bug - Withdrawn aircraft
« on: November 25, 2008, 01:33:46 am »
I admit I'm surprised nobody's responded to this...this aircraft appears to be able fly routes, although I haven't actually clicked "create route." Again, it has all the specs of the L-1011-500, except the type name. I was hoping that at least one of the staff would delete it for me. :( I should probably add that it can't be scrapped.

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