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Messages - Hamutaro

Pages: 1
Bugs / Continent Changes
« on: October 09, 2007, 08:12:40 pm »
I would like to move into oceania after the reset

Tottoko Hamutaro Airline
ID: 856

General Chat / NO MATTER HOW YOU PLAY...
« on: August 26, 2007, 04:00:38 pm »
I am the CEO of tottoko Hamutaro airline, one of the airline on the list.

General Chat / NO MATTER HOW YOU PLAY...
« on: August 26, 2007, 03:56:55 pm »
totally agree with royal pacific.
we, part of k.f.m. members, recieved an email from our dear admin. The email stated that we have taken all or most of the remaining gates at several airports. But I still don't understand why we banned for a week(?), are we do sth that disobey the game rule?
If we banned because of creating high freq. (>10) and low freq (0.5), then admin should ban everyone who did it. In this game, we can create our routes in any freq., decide the way that help us to earn the most profit, based on the spirit of capitalism. Once admin interfere our airline development, i feel very disappointed. I can say our dear admin is a follower of planned economy, you want control (somhow it is limiting) our growing, and fit into your expected outcome. I don't know what is your expected outcome, but your action is quite disruptive to us. Our dearest admin, can you tell me why we can't have high and low freq. flights? according to which rule?
If we banned because of holding gates in several cities, then what we can do is change all high frequency flights to low frequency (at most 4), but we won't return the gates! It is quite unfair to us, we don't enough time to change the routes and ban suddenly. We hold a lot of gates and use them for flights only, can you tell me what's the problem there? and disobey to which rule? Are you suggest us hold the gates and remain unused? We pay and rent the gates, we can use the gates to do whatever we want. And I turned all high freq flights into normal freq already, why our dear admin still ban me? I use them to earn profit on my own, are you going to tell me " YOU SHOULD SHARE YOUR MARKET WITH OTHER AIRLINE"?
I have a suggestion, admin should create another formula to replace the current one, get rid of 0.5 freq, then the problem can be solved.
PS: the base that i turned from high freq to normal freq are seoul and penang, but not the others, due to a week of suspension.

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