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Messages - Air Mishpukah

Pages: 1
Bugs / Re: Maintenance fees acting weirdly...
« on: September 05, 2010, 02:25:22 am »
I see, I will keep replacing my old ACs and reducing the fleet variety. However this doesn't explain the jump from 80M to 37M and then up to 88M again, considering that all that happened in these 3 game months was scrapping old planes and reducing variety. As I said my activity is fairly homogeneous and progressive...

Thank you anyway!

Bugs / Maintenance fees acting weirdly...
« on: September 04, 2010, 05:49:58 pm »
Type: maintenance fees changing abruptly from month to month
Airline Details: Air Mishpukah - ID 13372 [W1609]

Description: i am constantly increasing my fleet, but at a progressive speed and replacing the small ACs i started with, i brought my average age down to 1.4 from 1.6 and then in the last three game months the maintenance fees start acting weirdly. i read other posts about this same problem on the game but i couldn't find a way to solve it myself. notice that i own just one A330-300LR and 3 A310HGW as longhaul ACs, and they're all younger than 1 year. my only planes older than 3 years are respectively 30, 52, 68 and 74 pax. Indeed my growth is progressive and the maintenance fees growth isnt!

this is the latest maintenance cash flow record:

1/7/1996   Monthly Maintenance Fees   €0   €88,061,490
1/6/1996   Monthly Maintenance Fees   €0   €37,543,338
1/5/1996   Monthly Maintenance Fees   €0   €80,019,256

1/4/1996   Monthly Maintenance Fees   €0   €74,038,756
1/3/1996   Monthly Maintenance Fees   €0   €59,249,422
1/2/1996   Monthly Maintenance Fees   €0   €53,972,195
1/1/1996   Monthly Maintenance Fees   €0   €41,220,584
1/12/1995   Monthly Maintenance Fees   €0   €39,160,136

Please let me know if you can do something about it!

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