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Messages - mitch909

Pages: 1
Game Strategy / Re: Multiple Flights to Same Destination
« on: May 03, 2010, 04:42:54 pm »
In my situation it was beneficial to have two airplanes travel the same routes. I currently only had 4 or 5 destinations and one airplane flying all of them and another airplane collecting dust. I kept the other airplane because I had a good priced lease on it and would soon need it. Anyways I assigned it routes and my monthly +profit went up hugely allowing me to rent more gates. Once new gates are rented you can assign your aircraft to those routes instead and make more money. Only reason to have more then one plane flying a route is when you have one sitting around, don't have enough rented gates to utilize an aircraft, or in order to control a route and destroy your competition.

1. It's nearly impossible to flood a route to drive a competitor to bankruptcy.
2. Unless you already have routes to every single airport within that aircraft's range, there is never a need to use two aircraft on the same route.
I agree with you, my priority was to basically say the 2 point you made.

General Chat / Gate Usage Warning for Toronto Pearson International
« on: May 03, 2010, 06:28:06 am »
Airline ID: 40654
World ID: #1424
Current world year:12 sep 1990
Current bases: Toronto
Forum code: ??

Alright so I am new to AM and I was just wondering why I got a gate usage warning for my home base. How can I avoid this from happening? I have %100 utilization at this airport, doesn't that mean that if anything I need more gates at this airport. Thanks and sorry if this is in the wrong place.. Ive searched the manual and couldn't find anything on this (hopefully its not in there)

Thanks Mitch aka NAA

Game Strategy / Re: Multiple Flights to Same Destination
« on: May 03, 2010, 01:20:43 am »
In my situation it was beneficial to have two airplanes travel the same routes. I currently only had 4 or 5 destinations and one airplane flying all of them and another airplane collecting dust. I kept the other airplane because I had a good priced lease on it and would soon need it. Anyways I assigned it routes and my monthly +profit went up hugely allowing me to rent more gates. Once new gates are rented you can assign your aircraft to those routes instead and make more money. Only reason to have more then one plane flying a route is when you have one sitting around, don't have enough rented gates to utilize an aircraft, or in order to control a route and destroy your competition.

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