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Messages - uai

Pages: 1
Bugs / Re: route´s distance: Airline Mogul Vs Great Circle Mapper
« on: March 23, 2010, 06:42:39 pm »
ok, tnx.
...therefore why do the wright them as "nm"?

Why spell "write" as "wright"? ;)

... Exactly! :lol:

ahah great answer!

Bugs / Re: route´s distance: Airline Mogul Vs Great Circle Mapper
« on: March 23, 2010, 04:56:21 pm »
ok, tnx.
...therefore why do the wright them as "nm"?

Bugs / route´s distance: Airline Mogul Vs Great Circle Mapper
« on: March 23, 2010, 02:03:23 pm »
hi guys,
 sorry if there is already the answer to this question, I did not find it. I was planning new routes on GCM and it looked like this:
 PEK (40°04'48"N 116°35'04"E)   KHI (24°54'24"N 67°09'39"E)   265°    (W)   2630 nm

 but, if I try to create the same route, AM says this:
Depart   Beijing Capital International
Arrive   Jinnah International Airport
Distance   3,025nm

...are the two different unit to mesure althought both written as "nm" or what else?

Game Strategy / Re: Best regional aircraft under 15M?
« on: March 15, 2010, 11:11:06 pm »
the best regional is the one that fits in the best way your needs. btw, my choice is the atr 72-210.

Bugs / Re: W1297 and pw1334 cannot create routes
« on: March 01, 2010, 07:25:02 am »
sorry guys, my fault: I just didn´t had anymore slots. thank you!

Bugs / W1297 and pw1334 cannot create routes
« on: February 28, 2010, 10:34:10 pm »
hi, I hope it´s the right forum. I´m trying to create a route less then 300NM long with a super 748. it shows I can have max 1 frequency althought my aircvraft has no other routes (just bought). I try aniway with 1 freq and then I try to create a route a little bit longer and he tells me I have 0 frequency... I cannot create this routes. this 2 things are absurds or I´m making some big mistakes?! please, help! I add: if I could use (I think so) other airplanes for this routes, it does not shows them to me!!!! thank you guys!

one thing more he tells me the airplane has 20:23 hours.

in pw1334 the situation is more or less the same, althought with other airplanes and distance. moreover: I created in the same way two route with an airplane, than the other airplane (both new) looked like with 0frequency for another route.

Game Strategy / Re: bank balance change
« on: February 17, 2010, 06:24:25 pm »
sorry, I´m newbbie and didn´t search well.

Game Strategy / bank balance change
« on: February 17, 2010, 12:22:39 pm »
hi guys,
I hopes it´s the wright forum.
I´m playing in W 1297. last time I checked my airline it had more or less 500k€ in bank balance. now, at 1 november it faced a bank balance of -500k €. is it due to the beginning of the month? in case why? otherway, is it another kind of problem? my DOC is greater then +100k€.

thank you!

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