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« on: February 06, 2010, 04:52:20 pm »
 :lol: I cannot believe this, my younger brother wrote this, i gess he likes this game too much, lol, Sorry people he plays this game too, and when he told me that bank value went down, he was quite mad lol, moderator or admin delete this thread please.  I cant stop laughing, I guess i am going to change my password so only i play this game, is it ok if he makes another account, however it will be the same IP.
Anyways do let me know, lol he does not know how the airline system works. lol sorry people on behalf of him, he does have anger issues lol. hahaha  :lol: :D , also once again it would be better if you can delete this thread. because I will have changed my password. However the IP conflict is an issue, but please do let me know thanks. lol oh yeh about developers lol he does not have a clue how website works. he is only 14, sorry folx lol, what he meant about developers is that I am an web developer. not my younger brother me. lol he thought I could make this game better lol. sorry once again. this will be last time he will be using my account. this is a good game just some small bugs which i encountered. but they are not a problem. Also the way he wrote this, proves that this was written by a child, lol. sorry!  :lol: :lol:

Bugs / Sorry airline mogul developers and players
« on: February 06, 2010, 01:22:38 am »
Sorry folx, it was my younger brother who wrote this, i am closing this thread if you want to know more look down of this thread, and you can see why! cheers.

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