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Messages - shakeebahmad

Pages: 1
General Chat / Any API in place?
« on: July 20, 2014, 05:21:58 pm »
Hey guys, are there any plans to open up an API to the game?

Bugs / [Not a bug] Registering Problem
« on: December 13, 2009, 11:26:40 am »
This is not exactly a bug but could not find any other sub-forum where I could post it.
I have been on the game for some time and I love it. One of my friends is trying to register on the game but cannot as he and I share a common IP. We both live in our college hostel and externally the IP shows up as the same.
He would be registering using the username: and his emailid is:
Could someone please ignore this IP conflict as this is NOT a case of multiple accounts. He would be registering once I get a response here from any of the admins.
Shakeeb Ahmad.

Pages: 1
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