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Messages - Jooky

Pages: 1
Bugs / Circle one-way route problems
« on: September 24, 2009, 12:42:09 pm »
Airline Name: Flyhigh
Public World #799
ID 30167

I recently noted that there are constraints concerning one way flights if I try making some circle flights using one-way flights. Normally it should be no problem doing a route with 5 Airports (A,B,C,D,E) like this:
B->A->C->D->E->A (all with 0.5, i.e. one-way flights)
Having created all flights including D->E everytime I try to create the E->A leg it is only possible to chose flights "there and back again", i.e. 1,2 etc.
Is there any way to go around this problem?

Aircraft ID is 31787 and the route on which the problem occured is Hannover Helsinki.

Alliances / Re: Alliance: Amica SKy Team
« on: September 01, 2009, 05:24:01 pm »

I am leading FlyHigh a fairly new and still relatively small airline situated in central Germany with a current network concentrated on the main hub. Main destinations are within Europe. Next steps will be creation of focus cities and increasing fleet.

Airline Name:FlyHigh
Link to your airline page: FlyHigh
# of aircrafts owned: 4
passenger flown daily: 7783
DOC: 1,24m
Airline Worth:22,1m
Hub/Focus City Locations:
Hannover (EDDV) situated in central Europe (Northern Germany)
Sabiha Gokcen International (LTFJ)

Milan Orio al Serio International (LIME)

Pages: 1
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