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Messages - myflyingsky

Pages: 1
General Chat / NO MATTER HOW YOU PLAY...
« on: August 26, 2007, 06:10:26 pm »
Quote from: "dktc"
Quote from: "myflyingsky"
I think, as a admin of the game, you should do everything with proper reason but not to say "keep it short and sweet" or even didn't reply our email.

I am still waiting for you explanation.

He is not replying to your email because he is having a cool down period, as recommended by StephenM. Guys, calm down. The situation should be taken care of soon.

but I mean the email which I replied for the "first warning" email
not the recent one :wink:

thx anyway

General Chat / NO MATTER HOW YOU PLAY...
« on: August 26, 2007, 05:59:59 pm »
Quote from: "d1-3508"
I'm going to keep this short & sweet.

(Transcript from a google chat between Me & Will, 23rd August 2007)

5:13 PM air.elbonia: make it 71 gates at MSP
 me: Spare?
5:14 PM air.elbonia: no
 me: How many spare then?
 air.elbonia: filling up the new one as we speak
  define spare
 me: Not used by anyone.
5:15 PM air.elbonia: aren't many of those, last i knew. (players that is)
5:16 PM me: The full gates?
  (0 left)
 air.elbonia: yeeeaaahhh... that will happen
 me: The 250 gate airports though.
5:17 PM air.elbonia: that will still happen
  i have, and properly use, 71 gates at msp (out of 300)
  it would only take 4 active airlines there on my scale to fill it
 me: I'm trying to catch the people who don't properly use the gates.
5:18 PM (i.e. the multiple 0.5's on the same route, the high frequency flights, etc...)
 air.elbonia: all theroetically valid strategies
5:19 PM i suppose i'm a lot more laissez-faire about it
 me: Stephen's had enough, I've had enough, Asia's had enough.
5:21 PM That's why we're cracking down.
 air.elbonia: yeah
 me: If you do not return these gates, and I have to give
another warning to you, you will be banned until a date
that we see fit.
  That was my ending notice.
5:22 PM air.elbonia: there's a significant difference between kapellen, and people using multiple .5's though.
 me: I've given them 13 days, so that's fair.
  Have a look at Kings arm (for example)
5:23 PM
5:24 PM air.elbonia: yeah
 me: (still being forced to use that because of my shoddy laptop)
 air.elbonia: high frequency overlap
  KAA is like kapellen
5:25 PM me: And KAA only returned 1 gate, out of a possible 200.
5:26 PM air.elbonia: again, i'm just saying. big difference between KAA and Dora
 me: MMR:
5:27 PM Not that... -smacks laptop-
5:28 PM air.elbonia: yeah. MMR's not too bad in my opinion
5:29 PM me: KFAI also, same airport
5:31 PM MMR again
5:35 PM Dora: (this is just a small section)DDA132266 Manado - Sam Ratulangi Airport 0.5
DDA132267 Manado - Sam Ratulangi Airport 0.5
DDA132268 Manado - Sam Ratulangi Airport 0.5
DDA132269 Manado - Sam Ratulangi Airport 0.5
 air.elbonia: yeah
  It gets worse, the further you go through it.
5:37 PM PAA:
 air.elbonia: yeah
5:38 PM the block of high freq overlap, another kapellan
5:39 PM me: Of course, this is only a small sample of how bad it is.

Kapellen Airservice: ATH, BRE, FRA, KLX, LXS, JMK, NAP, CIA & FCO
King's Arm Airline: TKG, HLP, CGK, SEL & HND
Pacific Atlantic Airline: DEL & MES
Flower Family: HZG, LYA, ENY & XIY
KFAI Airlines: HRB, KUL & BOM
MOMO Rabbit Airlines: KUL & SEL
Royal Pacific Airline: MFM & ICN
Tottoko Hamutarō Airline: MES, PEN, SEL & ICN
Free Flying Airline: ITM
Doraemon Airlines: ITM & HND

That's the full list.
5:40 PM Tottoko Hamutarō Airline:
5:41 PM air.elbonia: Seol hides in that list rather well
  but sticks out like a sore thumb
 me: THA143306 Seoul - Gimpo International Ai 10
THA143309 Seoul - Gimpo International Ai 49
THA143829 Seoul - Gimpo International Ai 30
THA143838 Seoul - Gimpo International Ai 49
THA143873 Seoul - Gimpo International Ai 49
THA143874 Seoul - Gimpo International Ai 49
5:42 PM air.elbonia: yeah
 me: Another kap.
 air.elbonia: 'nother ka
 me: Kap, we all know what that looks like...
5:44 PM - Flower Family.
 air.elbonia: 'nother kap
 me: -nods-
5:45 PM RPA:
 air.elbonia: yeah
  'nother kap
5:46 PM shenzhen and such
 me: RPA160967 Ho Chi Minh City 0.5
RPA160968 Ho Chi Minh City 0.5
RPA160969 Ho Chi Minh City 0.5
RPA160970 Ho Chi Minh City 0.5
RPA160971 Ho Chi Minh City 0.5
RPA160972 Ho Chi Minh City 0.5
RPA160973 Ho Chi Minh City 0.5
 air.elbonia: ... those aren't the bad ones
5:47 PM RPA144920 Shenzhen - Boaon 42.5
 me: Saw that.
 air.elbonia: RPA144962 Shenzhen - Boaon 42.5
RPA144966 Shenzhen - Boaon 42.5
RPA145001 Shenzhen - Boaon 13
 me: And more...
5:48 PM RPA143201 Osaka-Itami 32
RPA143194 Osaka-Itami 32
RPA143196 Osaka-Itami 32
RPA143197 Osaka-Itami 32
RPA143198 Osaka-Itami 32
RPA143202 Osaka-Itami 32
RPA143203 Osaka-Itami 32
RPA143206 Osaka-Itami 32
RPA143208 Osaka-Itami 32
RPA143214 Osaka-Itami 32
RPA143216 Osaka-Itami 32
RPA143218 Osaka-Itami 32
 air.elbonia: lovely
  the kap-like ones, i support you on fully
  the multi .5 freq, not as much
5:49 PM me: The only reason I'm "attacking" dora, is because of the high amount of gates.

Quote from: "d1-3508"
Is that evidence enough?

Yes you give the evidence of <0.5 route and >10 route. My airline never deny it.

However, what we want to know is the reason why we are banned but Doraemon not.

Your sentence is short but not sweet. I think, as a admin of the game, you should do everything with proper reason but not to say "keep it short and sweet" or even didn't reply our email.

I am still waiting for your explanation.

General Chat / NO MATTER HOW YOU PLAY...
« on: August 26, 2007, 05:50:54 pm »
Quote from: "Dora"
It seems that something yet explained...
I know from the forum that even admins have different point of views towards 0.5 frequency. This makes me worried.
If they are banned because of 0.5 frequency, I think most of the airlines in the game are responsible too.
May be its time for admins to combine their thoughts and make a new game rule on this issue.
Without a clear explanation, I think the arguement will not end...
If banning account is the only solution, then ban mine too.

I don't think banning your account is a solution. The fact is that we are banned but you are not. What we want to know is the reason and nobody here answer me.

Even you are banned now, we still need the reasons and it just further explain your dear alliance member tried to protect you.

General Chat / NO MATTER HOW YOU PLAY...
« on: August 26, 2007, 05:28:12 pm »
Quote from: "juancho"
Wether you have enough time or not is not their problem.  You obviously had more than enough time to setup those routes. If I were the admin I would save you time and delete your account. :roll: You got caught and now you guys are whinning, well tough sh*t.

I think you really need to mind your language.
I don't think we are get caught.

General Chat / NO MATTER HOW YOU PLAY...
« on: August 26, 2007, 11:39:43 am »
Are the admins here are the supporter of communist?

They just ban us without saying any acceptable reasons!!!!

As the above topic, you just state the reasons with only 3 sentences and the outdated information. Dont you think it is enough?

Hey the admin here please come out and say something!!!


About the doraemon issue, why doraemon can be exempted from banning? He is the founder of holding gate as I said in my reply of the so called "first warning" email.

Admin, please tell me why??

Admins, you want me to play the game as realistic as possible??
Is it kind of unrealistic to play a unrelaistic game as realistic as possible?

Have you ever seen a real airline have more than 300 A340?? If we want to be realistic, should we stop expanding? If we stop expanding why do we play this game???

Admin, come out and say something....dont hide plz.
About the 0.5 freq and >10 freq. Do you understand this is a competition game? If we dont do it , my competitor will do it than i will lose!!!

In the beginning of the game, I started with only freq 1. You may check my first base, Ho Chi Minh city, there are still lots of freq 1 route.

After playing 2 weeks, I wonder why I develop so slow while other airline are much faster. I check their route I realize that it is because I only create freq 1 route. Other airline can make double profit from creating 0.5 route comparing with creating freq 1 route.

So what can I do? Contend on freq 1 route and to be a loser in this game? Than why should I play this game if I know I am loser already? You know I have no choice but to create 0.5 route.

I dont mean to shift the responsibility to the admin or the game founder here because of the fault on the formula. I know it is difficult to make a perfect one.

However, do the admin here try to understand our difficulty? why I have to create 0.5 freq?

About > 10 freq route. Again, my competitor in Osaka - Itami, doraemon airline, started to do it in Tokyo - Haneda. If I dont do it in advance and let him do it in Itami first than I will lose!!

Once again, do the admin here try to understand our difficulty??

I have replied to your "first warning" email, if you ask Doramoen Airline to stop doing it and I will stop doing it. However, where is your replay? Did you do anything related to this issue? I waited for your reply for 2 weeks than you just send me a "second warning" email WITHOU SAYING ANYTHING RELATED. Is it fair? or you just want to help your alliance member, Doraemon Airline.

Come on Admin, say something and DONT HIDE!!!


Some small airline said we are dominating the route in Asia? I hope you guys can understand I was once a very small airline with bombardier only. Why I can grow because I AVOIDED COMPETITON WITH THOSE BIG ARILINE WHEN I WAS STILL SMALL!!

Why you guys tried to create a route with $1 less than those big airline route, but not to create a route in "non-occupied" one. If you were the big airline and see a small airline tried to attack your route, what will you do?
Of course to fight back.

CEO of Free Flying Airline

Bugs / Unable to change password
« on: August 06, 2007, 02:48:56 pm »
Thx for you help...

I tried to login with the password you resetted. However after I change to new password, I still cant login with the new one. It just display the same message.

Maybe, there is some bug in the system?

Anyway, I have to use the auto-generated password to login now.

Thx again~~~

Bugs / Unable to change password
« on: August 06, 2007, 01:12:48 pm »
After changing the password, I cannot login in with my new password and it display a message

"Either the email address and password entered do not match those on the file, you have not activated your account or you are not appoved for testing"

Than I just reset my password and use new generated one to login. Than I change  the password again and it still doesn't work.....

Can you help me to fix it?? Thx!!

Airline ID: 948

Bugs / Problem on leasing plane
« on: July 19, 2007, 10:40:44 am »
It seems that no one can lease a plane now....

I tried to lease one and the system rely "Someone seems to have leased the aircraft before you had a chance to", but the plane is listed there for more than 5 hrs already....

Bugs / Problem on leasing plane
« on: July 18, 2007, 02:14:16 pm »
i just want my money back though it is not so much......
Also it could be a bug that should be fixed..

Bugs / Problem on leasing plane
« on: July 17, 2007, 05:22:43 pm »
Airline Code: 948

I leased a  Bombardier CRJ-100LR (Sorry, I forget the plane id and the leasing airline) than the screen show that I successfully leased it and the fee (1 million) also decducted from my acount. I checked on the page of "Aircraft --View and buy", the status of the plane is "leased in"

However, the plane disappear from my account just after I rented a gate for creating a new route for this plane. The leasing fee also doesn't return to my account.... :(

So I just wonder if you can fix this problem? Either return me the flight or the fee......

Thank you very much. Also thank you for creating such a good sim game!!!

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