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Messages - ATE24

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General Chat / Re: What is Your DOC?
« on: January 29, 2012, 04:49:09 pm »
Holy ****! Seriously? Look at that bank balance! :o
That's not too difficult, if you have enough time, a world without too much limitation / competition and...enough stamina (that's very important I think), getting a figure like Hal (360M DOC, 451B in total value) is not something impossible. I did my figure in 60 days during my last summer break.

At the extreme cases, I've seen a guru based in USA with over 10K of lines and over a billion of DOC... :o

General Chat / Re: What is Your DOC?
« on: January 29, 2012, 01:40:59 pm »
€ 276,516,032

My best record, a frozen five-year private game, running 96 A318s, 106 A319s and 298 ERJ-195LRs and focusing on Northern and Western European regional.

Airline Mogul - PW#2028 - EuroFlyer

General Chat / Re: 50000
« on: January 29, 2012, 12:29:12 pm »
Seriously, I'm pretty thrilled with the updated news of hot-swapping. :-*

I would have liked to release it today, but it hasn't been tested enough to do it in time for the other things going on. I don't want to release it early and have to pull it back if we find issues. Glad your looking forward to it though!  :)
Anyway happy 50K :D

General Chat / Re: 50000
« on: January 29, 2012, 12:12:06 pm »
Seriously, I'm pretty thrilled with the updated news of hot-swapping. :-*

Game Strategy / Re: Airbus vs. Boeing
« on: June 03, 2010, 07:27:58 pm »
Low-profit route->Embraer E-Jet
Normal route->A319 mix A320
High-profit route->B753 mix A321 (or A321 only)
Transcontinental route->Depends on the distance between the hub and destination, use only 1 type for a hub

General Chat / Re: Daily maintenance shot up to 50m, from 21m!!
« on: September 30, 2009, 07:28:00 am »
I've found something really interesting... (after an inspiration by im359)

As a usual (but both useless and hopeless) routine on the aircraft replacement, I bought 5 A319-131 as well as 2 A320-232 2 days ago.
And today the new shiny aircrafts arrived :D, so I started my work (again).

Before I scrapped 7 old planes half an hour ago, I loaded the statistic page of A319:

Yes, the guy that holds 130 A319s is me. And the page keeps opening over the last 30 minutes.

Then I scrapped them before the end of that day:

Pretty a lot.
*Ar btw, Google Chrome DOES perform better than Firefox when I need to re-open a lot of routes, I strongly suggest it to you guys.

Afterward im359 told me at MSN that he found a lot of planes are holding by Nobody Company, then I checked the statistic page of A319 again:

I hold 125 A319s now, correct.

But the problem is, why Nobody Company gets 5 more A319s?
Didn't the scrapped aircrafts disappear immediately?

Altogether I scrapped 71 A319s over the past 2 years, if they all went to Nobody Company, then I really "contributed" a lot to it.
I wonder if the situation worsens my maintenance... ^-^

General Chat / Re: The corrupted wish game.
« on: September 21, 2009, 03:19:39 pm »
Wish granted, but all currency devalues, so we're all even.

I wish that I owned Ireland!

You now own it, plus its debt (To be doubled thanks to NAMA :D )

I wish I had longer holidays...
Granted, but then you devote your holiday to AM, fixing bugs, creating new functions, etc...
*At the last day of that holiday...we all hear Stephen says "OMG!!!! Where's my holiday!!!? :-X" :lol: (OK just take it easy...)

I wish I can start my new academic year earlier...

General Chat / Re: New Startup Airline Looking for Alliance Support
« on: September 20, 2009, 08:12:30 am »
I wouldn't comment on your business model after reading your case. It's up to your own decision.

But I would like to point out that:
1) Code-sharing is not available in Airline Mogul.
2) There are limited (or no if you need turboprops) choices of planes in Airline Mogul for you to perform long-haul flights while being environmentally friendly.

General Chat / Re: Daily maintenance shot up to 50m, from 21m!!
« on: September 19, 2009, 05:21:55 pm »
1/6/2005 Monthly Maintenance Fees €0 €1,228,527,972
1/7/2005 Monthly Maintenance Fees €0 €460,898,270

That's what really happen in my private world (with ATE24 and kcclieou actually 8)).
I just kept on replacing my old planes, but suddenly the value dropped like London Bridge.
OK that's enough man, you are getting on my and kcclieou's nerve... ???

We are not that happy to know you got rid of 60% maint. :(

General Chat / Re: Daily maintenance shot up to 50m, from 21m!!
« on: September 19, 2009, 10:49:03 am »
I've problem on the maintenance as well...

In the past year I've been replacing all those 5 year old aircrafts and reducing the average age from over 3 year to 2.1 year right now. But I realize that no matter how I replace the aircraft the maintenance continues to increase. I really see no reasons on this issue, could anyone explain it to me?

Game Strategy / Re: When to replace an aircraft?
« on: September 08, 2009, 01:01:54 pm »
Keeping them on means you make less (as opposed to no) profit.
Nothing is impossible, especially when the planes are extremely old together with fierce competition...

Game Strategy / Re: When to replace an aircraft?
« on: September 08, 2009, 07:25:15 am »
I can say...even as expensive as an A320 family, it can still survive for 5 years without harming you too much...if and only if you manage to maintain an income of around 500K-600K or above per month.

That's my usual routine in private world. I know it's hardly possible in a public world, but 3 years is not a definite limit for plane. Of course if you wish to sell instead of scrap, 3 years is a suitable deadline.

Currently I kept 280 planes and with an average aircraft age of 2.X year, the maintenance grows at a steady rate of 6M per month.
Compared with 130M of income per day, 6M per month means nothing for me at all...

General Chat / Re: Airline Mogul: How Long Have You Been Playing?
« on: August 26, 2009, 09:36:44 am »
Since 18 March this year...

Now running the biggest airline in a private world (in terms of value / passengers per day).

Game Strategy / Re: The Most Profitable Way To Increase DOC?
« on: August 04, 2009, 02:33:12 pm »
3) 1.0 frequencies
In case of not enough free time left, open two 0.5 freq flights instead of one 1 freq flight.

Game Strategy / Re: The Most Profitable Way To Increase DOC?
« on: August 02, 2009, 06:05:12 am »
What is the best strategy to increase DOC's at a very fast rate at the begining of the game???

To be simple:
1) Big airport as base
2) As many short routes as possible, i.e. something under 200nm-300nm

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