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Messages - gisa

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I think it's perfect. :)


Gisa ^^

That'd be cool. :)


Gisa ^^

No worries.  I recently read somewhere that everytime a new bit of code is introduced, there is a high probability of a bug showing up elsewhere.  Recreating the route isn't too hard so it sounds like an easy

Thanks for the explanation!


Gisa ^^

Thanks for the timely information Stephen.

Any clue as to what is causing that?


Gisa ^^

To Whom It May Concern,

I've been getting two errors lately which I wanted to report to you.  The first is the division by zero error:

ID - aircraft 1937 flying from Jackson Atlanta International to Theodore Francis Green State
Problem - Cannot adjust hours to adjust loadfactor.  Regardless of what I put in, it shows zero.
Airline ID - Gisa Airlines (21702) -  PW 593

The second error I have is that some planes are either showing negative hours (i.e. -4) or are capable of flying more than 24 hours (same info as above).  Plane ID 1938 or 2456 (same room) will demonstrate what I mean.

From what I can see, this is a problem for a few others.  Hopefully you guys can fix it for everyone when you get the chance.



Gisa ^^

Game Strategy / Re: Going Too Fast?
« on: April 30, 2009, 08:01:05 am »
8.7 million Euros is not a bad DOC (same I have at the moment).  If I were you, I'd keep focusing on replacing the leases as your first priority.  You'll actually save money in terms of leasing fees and your net worth will go up.  Leases are temporary...

Another way to save money is to build terminals, but they come with a steep price tag.  If you are committed to the room and have a lot of time left in it (over 2.5 years) build them as soon as you can too (after you've phased out a lot of your leases).

to answer your questions:
1. I would phase out your leases before expanding (you'll have more money to expand later after you've done this and it will be much easier to do so).
2. 100% loadfactor is impossible (unless you play 24-7!) especially with lots of planes. ;)  Just a reality...aim to edit routes lower than a set percentage to help.  There is no general strategy to avoid doing them...that's part of the game. :P
3. Yes, you should charge for food and drinks.  Play around with the numbers until you find the highest amount you can pull in.
4.  While phasing out your leases, consider terminals asap.  They save you 25% of a rented gates costs each month (they pay for themselves in about 2.5 years time) while upping your net worth nicely.

There are plenty of strategy articles here to read too, so give them a look.  The game manual is well written and fairly accurate too.  I learned a lot by reading both of these and through playing AM.  We also have our own strategy articles on our forums:

Good luck!

Gisa ^^

Game Strategy / Re: Fare pricing undercut strategy?
« on: April 30, 2009, 06:18:40 am »

This is one of the most time consuming parts of AM, but it is part of the game!

If I were you, I would lower the fare by 1 or 2 Euros to regain 100% loadfactor.  To be honest, having a load factor of 100% in your fleet becomes impossible and unnecessary the larger you get.  When you first start out, it's very important as you need all the money you can get, but your airline (will hopefully) get to a point where you bring in so much money that it won't matter if your average loadfactor is 90%.  Plus, you won't have the time to edit 200 + routes to get to 100% and even if you did, you'd have to go back and edit them again shortly after. :lol:

Simply put, no player has the time to edit all their routes to get a 100% loadfactor.  You can try to edit the one's that are very small however (say less than 75%).  Again, in the beginning, when you don't have as many planes or a high DOC, it's more important to edit it but as time goes on, it becomes less important (unless of course you are logged in and playing AM 24 hours a day non-stop!).  The players here who do that scare me...

You can drop the fares by a significant amount, but that might affect your competition in a negative way.  They might decide to *up the ante* by increasing frequencies or dropping it even further in retaliation.  I consider it *the politest way of trying to share while getting 100%* if you lower it by just the amount necessary to get 100% (while you fight for the 100% you are still making the most possible).

It's unlikely you'll drive a competitor out of a market by lowering your fares by that much.  Some players like me have no problems running a plane that pulls in a very small amount just to make a point.  Some even run planes that lose money just out of spite.  We are human after all!

Maybe the best advice is to try to stay *under* the pack for the longest time possible.

Let's say you have 8 competitors (I will make up somewhat fictional plane names)

a boeing 707 - $ 120
b caravelle - $ 185
c caravelle - $ 185
d caravelle - $ 185
e caravelle - $ 187
f caravelle - $ 190
g caravelle - $ 193 (you)
h skyvan - $ 642
i bushmaster - $ 665

You can edit the route to 190, 189.99 if you want, but sometimes it might be worth your while to edit it to 187, 186.99 or even 185 or 184.99.  You will lose more potential profit (not all that much really) but you won't have to edit that route as much because you are *under the pack*.  If you edit it to 190/189.99, you might get 100% loadfactor, but because you are in the higher tier it means you'll have to adjust it again very soon (the competition in the higher tiers adjusts their fares more regularly since they are the most affected).

Hope this helps...

Gisa ^^

General Chat / Re: What 5 things would you have?
« on: April 28, 2009, 04:11:34 am »
1.  The ability to give every teenager the chance to go abroad to live and study
2.  A free f40ph (free gas for life) and a place to run 'er on for free.
3.  Business class tickets for my family for life (trans pacific flights in coach = hell).
4.  An opportunity, the knowledge and finally figuring out what job I want to do (hopefully a job that I really like where I can help other people in need and where I get paid a good amount of money!)
5.  A house in the 'burbs, a cottage in cottage country, an apartment in the city and a car on the road.  :lol:


Gisa ^^

Game Strategy / Re: Going Too Fast?
« on: April 27, 2009, 05:46:08 am »

Seems like you are doing very well.  There really is no such thing as too fast. ;)  The idea is that leases help increase your cash flow on a temporary basis, so you can purchase planes to replace the leases.  That's what I'd be doing if I were you (unless of course, you have plenty of time left on your leases).  Leases can be good as you don't pay maintenance but they won't make you as much money as if you owned the plane itself.

I'd also work on upgrading the turboprops if they serve large cities to jets.  Keep them on low PDX routes.

The end of month is when you pay many monthly fees (gate rentals, leasing fees) so your bank account will take a hit.  Best thing to do is to plan around it.  You can either try to save up some money before the end of the month comes (so as to be able to pay most if not all of the fees you have pay) or plan on buying planes well into the next month once you've broken even.

Gisa ^^

Implemented Suggestions / [Done] Extra decimal place in plane hours?
« on: April 16, 2009, 01:27:07 pm »
Hi All,

Just thought of a potentially useful addition.  Would it be possible to add 1 decimal place to a plane's hours?  It would be useful to help maximize a planes remaining hours.  Right now, we have no idea if it is 1 hour 1 minutes or 1 hour and 59 minutes and that could be the difference between being able to fly to one city or renting a gate and wasting money.


Gisa ^^

Bugs / Create route bug in PW # 350
« on: April 11, 2009, 02:22:07 pm »
Hi All,

Ran into this problem tonight (seems to have occurred to a few others here and I believe the exact same problem occurred to me recently a week ago).  That or I've lost my mind...  :roll:

ID: 34850 (Hawker Siddley 121 Trident 104 E)
Type: Aircraft does not show up in route creation screen despite having enough hours and range to make the flight (in this case from Los Angeles to Philadelphia)
Description: I've triple checked the range on the Trident 104 E, which is 2443 NM.  I have 9 hours left on my Trident in question.  It is doing 1 return trip and 1 one-way trip (I could still schedule a return or one way trip if I wanted to).  I want to do a one way trip to Philadelphia from LAX, but when I go to create the route, the Trident will not show up.  The distance from LAX to Philadelphia is 2398 NM.  I have enough hours, Philadelphia is within the Trident's range from LAX and I have only one one way frequency scheduled so...must be a bug?
Airline Details: Gisa Airlines - ID 21702 [PW # 350]

Thanking you guys in advance! :)


Gisa ^^

To illustrate my point further:

I am creating a route from Toronto to Berlin-Tegel

if I charge 555 Euros, my load factor will be 99.96% and I would make 122,081
if I charge 554 Euros, my load factor will be 100% and I would make 121,884

I guess you are right Pseudoswede: it's all in the decimals.  I suppose if I charge 554.xx Euros I would get 100% and make the most profit.

Riddle solved!

Gisa ^^

Hi Stephen,

Oh, it's a drop of water in terms of any airlines sea of profits.  :lol:  Maybe a few hundred Euros off or so?  Up until now, I've always tried to get a 100% factor but a part of me thinks that if I can make more by running at 99~99.99% or so, then why not do that?  

The more I think about it however, it really is so little that it's not worth the time trying to find out the highest amount.  Even at the beginning of starting up an airline I wouldn't think it'd be noticeable, even after a game year or so.

I guess mathematically, it might make more sense to fill up a big plane to about 90% capacity and overcharge a bit more than fill it up completely and charge a bit less.

Just curious: that's all! ^^ 


Gisa ^^

Hi All,

Sometime I've noticed from time to time, when setting up the fares for a route is that when I am very close to 100% load factor (say 99.66%) I can actually make slightly MORE profit than if I set my fare to achieve a 100% load factor.  I did really badly in statistics in University :roll: but is there a simple reason why charging just a bit more and achieving a slightly less than 100 load factor can make more than filling up all the seats in the plane?  Is this always the case as well?


Gisa ^^

Ok, so to prove I'm NOT crazy and that I DO know how to play this game...

I ran into this problem again tonight! @@

Thankfully, the evidence is still here though. :)

If you could be so kind, take a look at my planes.  I have a HS121 Trident 1E-104 that I want to fly from Toronto to Bogoda.  The distance, according to the premium gate search feature is 2230 NM.  A trident 1E-104 has a range of 2443 NM.  The trident I want to use has 24 hours left.  I already have a gate rented at Bogoda too.  Why I can't make the route is beyond me (hence I suspect a bug).

Here are some pictures to prove I'm not making this up, nor am I crazy! :lol:

Please take a look at this when you get the chance and see if you can figure out why this is happening. @@

Gisa ^^

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