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Messages - sleewell

Pages: 1
Game Strategy / the MD-11ER SUCKS!!! dont waste money on them!!
« on: January 29, 2009, 03:45:04 pm »
what a POS!! this plane (and this game) suck, avoid it like the plague. i bought 10 of them thinking the extra long 8,326km range would help me to run some profitable long haul frequencies. BUT THIS POS WONT EVEN MAKE A FULL 5500km route!!! what a joke, there has to be a game flaw with this one. almost 300MM wasted on each of these and it wont even make a full 5500km route, it only says it can do .5!! you have to be kidding me. between the huge waste of fuel, the incredibly high maintenance costs and the fact that it wont even do what its supposed to do which is go long routes you guys really screwed this one up :-\

In general I think the algorithm for long distance routes is not correct. Planes from ATL to London Heathrow dont make nearly the money that shorter route planes make to far less populated areas. You have made the game so that long distance routes using the most expensive planes are not cost effective. So basically once you get to a certain point in the game it becomes less and less fun to play. You work hard to build up your airline and then when its supposed to get fun you have a terrible algorithm that just sucks the fun right out of it. good work guys!!! I have moved on to a more well written game.

General Chat / Re: what is your highest mx cost
« on: January 23, 2009, 10:25:22 pm »
i am 3 years into a 10 year private world. my maintenance costs are almost a billion (822MM) right now.

is there anything you can do to lessen maintenance costs? i try to sell planes after 2.5 years of service.

Game Strategy / closing a focus city and creating a new one
« on: January 23, 2009, 01:33:56 am »
i am currently 3 years into a 10 year long private world. i am in 1st place, woo hoo!! i have maxed out my number of focus cities and was wondering if it would still be possible to close a less profitable focus city and open in a different one. if so, how would you do that in the game? i am guessing you just close all the routes from that base, but what about alliance flights - do i need to close those too? and how you pick a new focus city?

thanks in advance

Game Strategy / Re: The Most Profitable Aircraft in AM
« on: January 19, 2009, 11:51:51 pm »
fokker 70s are a lot more cost effective than ATRs. they are way faster so you can get more routes in with each plane.

Game Strategy / Re: Building a Terminal
« on: January 19, 2009, 11:48:26 pm »
ok now i am more confused. so do you pay a monthly fee for terminals or no?

seems like the only purpose if there was still a monthly fee would be to have more gates at a base than you are allowed to rent. i think the max you can rent is 25 right?

if there was no fee and all you paid was the one time cost to build than it would obviously make more sense to build a terminal and not rent gates each month.

i am thinking about building terminals in all my focus cities and returning all the rental gates - is that a good or bad idea?

Game Strategy / Re: Building a Terminal
« on: January 19, 2009, 08:59:25 pm »
ok so if you build a gate you are only charged the initial cost of building it right? no monthly charges? seems like it would make sense to build terminals at a certain point bc gate rentals get to be very high.

General Chat / WTF?!?!? 60mm in the black to 35mm in the red
« on: January 07, 2009, 09:26:05 pm »
i have noticed this happening two days in a row now. i will just be sitting there; not buying planes / changing routes / or spending any money at all and all of a sudden i am in the red big time. what gives???

General Chat / Re: distance from each of your gates from your hub
« on: December 18, 2008, 08:15:48 pm »
thanks for your reply, i have tried messing with the gate search and cant for the life of me see a list of my my gates with the distance from my hub. could you please tell me how i would find that? thanks in advance.

General Chat / distance from each of your gates from your hub
« on: December 18, 2008, 06:41:43 pm »
is there a way to view this? it would be really helpful if there was an easy way to see the distance of all your gates from your hub. i am trying to consolidate some routes and get the most efficiency from all my planes and its really hard when you have no idea how far each gate is from the hub. do i have to join the premium service or what?

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