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Messages - oilersfan3594

Pages: 1
General Chat / What the heck is going on with my maintenance fees??
« on: September 17, 2010, 05:40:45 am »
I'm in PW #452, BizAir Canada.

Can someone explain this to me?

My maintenance fees yesterday (or last game month) were about $127M, my fleet age was around 6.4 years. I had about 150 total planes, about 20 of which were on order or not operating.

Now here are the changes I made: Placed an order for 12 new Lockheed R6V Constitutions (game year is 1966), swapped in 12 new Douglas DC-6Bs and retired the old ones, which brought my fleet age down to 5.8. I also placed 8 of my new R6V Constitutions (delivered a few game months ago) into service, creating long-haul routes for them. So I currently have 14 planes on order, and the remaining 132 of my fleet are in active service.

As of the beginning of the current game month, my maintenance fees are now $440M!! Why the big jump? Can anyone explain to me what could have caused this, or how the maintenance fee system works?

General Chat / Re: Question about formulas: ATTN. Admin or Mods.
« on: September 28, 2008, 11:30:21 pm »
Okay, never mind... I have devised another method of calculating load demands, which I think is possibly more accurate and far better suited to my needs. Thanks for your time!!!

General Chat / Re: Question about formulas: ATTN. Admin or Mods.
« on: September 26, 2008, 11:45:41 pm »
We wouldn't post that kind of information on a public forum. If it is required for professional use, you can contact me directly at the following: . For personal use, I'd recommend waiting for Private Worlds to be released, spec a world you'd be interested in taking, then contact us about getting it with personalised formulas, however the cost involved would be quite large. (To inhibit regular usage)

It's for personal use. Could you email me a general formula then? It doesn't have to be exact, I just don't want to have to estimate and then be off by 50% or something.

General Chat / Question about formulas: ATTN. Admin or Mods.
« on: September 26, 2008, 11:08:29 pm »
Hello Admin:

   I am designing an imaginary "utopian" type world, and am currently working on the airport and associated airline for the region.

   I would like to know your formula for calculating approx. pax demand with a particular route, in relation to the pax traffic through the airports in question, for the purposes of figuring out flights, gates, planes, hangars, and general infrastructure required at this imaginary airport, and also jobs created by the airline.

   If you could help me out with this, it would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Ryan (Canada)

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