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Messages - johnnybax

Pages: 1
Game Strategy / Re: Can someone with experience take a look at my airline
« on: November 28, 2013, 12:27:11 am »
I have to say, that is a really nice logo. :D
Thanks!  Made it myself.

Game Strategy / Re: Can someone with experience take a look at my airline
« on: November 28, 2013, 12:26:17 am »
No, the maintenance formula should behave within a month or so. As it is right now, the maintenance cost is calculated by the average age of your fleet and the total value of your fleet.
Thanks again for your help.  Yesterday I sold 16 of my oldest planes (2 years) and todays finance report is out and maintenance is down 24%...  Finally got my DOC above 100k and monthly profit above 2 Billion.

Game Strategy / Re: Can someone with experience take a look at my airline
« on: November 26, 2013, 10:33:51 pm »
Thanks for the reply Matias.

Just checked my new report for this month.  Maintenance is up another 23%!!  The world I'm playing in is only 2 years old, is this standard for maint. to be eating up my profits at such a huge rate in such a short time?

My profits this month are down again this month, 4%.  Should I expect my maint. fees to grow at 20+% per month?

Game Strategy / Can someone with experience take a look at my airline
« on: November 26, 2013, 12:56:33 am »
Airline Mogul - One Sky Airways

Our game started in 1967 an it is now January 1968.  I've got some planes from 1967 still but not very many.

Added 30 Boeing 737-200's to my fleet yesterday. Increased my DOC by 9% after routing them (keep in mind I didn't rent any new gates, they were gates already in use from other hubs). Today after the month changed over I look at my new finance report and see that my monthly revenue is only up 2%, monthly costs are up 12% and monthly profit is down 1%.   Maintenance jumped 25% too. Need to reevaluate my strategy before doing anything else.

Only thing I can think of that hurt me besides the jump in maintenance is the routes I setup. I'm trying to stay away from long haul flights as long as possible because I've read that long haul is hardly profitable. All the routes I setup yesterday were <2000 miles though, I didn't really consider them long hauls.

Can anyone offer some insight as to why my profits tanked after those changes?

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