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Messages - expressair

Pages: 1 2 3 ... 6
General Chat / Re: Livery request... Please
« on: February 03, 2010, 06:56:54 pm »
I had designed this livery for someone else. If you like it, i can transfer it on a 777 like you wanted.

General Chat / Re: Show your colors - The Liveries Topic
« on: February 03, 2010, 01:37:20 pm »
Returning to AM after almost a year  :P
This is the livery from my airline in PW#1217
Recently re-branded from Air India Express to Trans Asia Airlines. Here is the new livery.

As the world is in the 60's, tried to create a period look.

Flight Simulators & Online Flying / Re: Combat Flight Sim
« on: November 25, 2009, 07:25:00 pm »

General Chat / Re: Show your colors - The Liveries Topic
« on: September 03, 2009, 07:32:18 am »
Due to intense competition [aka both operating SAME aircraft], me and my competitor came to an agreement to prevent us from killing each others airlines. As a result of that agreement, Afrikaans has decided NOT to buy the B737-200 but instead buy the DC9. This is how our DC9 will look like once delivered.

General Chat / Re: Airline Mogul: How Long Have You Been Playing?
« on: August 25, 2009, 08:18:08 am »
Since April 2008 :)

General Chat / Re: Requesting Aircraft Livery...
« on: August 18, 2009, 08:53:33 am »
Hey pal...sorry for this delay in replying. Unfortunately my Desktop went pffttt a week back and now I have no access to PS. Let me get my comp fixed and then i'll think of something to fix the "UA" part of the livery.


General Chat / Re: My first livery...HELP!
« on: August 15, 2009, 09:03:23 am »
I use CS2, but i feel the basic working should be the same as CS4.
I'll tell you what i did step by step:
1. Image->Mode->RGB Color. But i guess you already did this.
2. Use Levels [Ctrl+L] to slightly darken the outlines. Move the sliders to the right.
3. Polygonal Lasso [L] to make the stripes in the tail. I think you did the same thing too.
4. Paint Bucket Tool [G]to fill in the paint. By using the lasso and paint bucket, you only fill one panel at a time. Therefore you can prevent eh paint from going to unwanted places [like what happened to you horizontal stabiliser].
5. To give a depth to the white part of the paint, i use a pre-shading method. But before that, create a duplicate background. To do this right-click on the image in the "layers" tool bar and select "Duplicate Layer". Now select the paint bucket tool  and then left click on the color options. This will open a window where you can select the desired colors. Of the 2 columns, the bottom left one will have a "#" symbol and a box with alphanumeric in it. Type f7eed9 into it. That is the color i use. Then fill in the white part of the livery. One you have finished it, in the "Layers" window set "Opacity" to 65%. And then flatten image. This will make the fuselage look more realistic.
6. Use the Gradient Tool [Right click on the Paint Bucket button. You can select Gradient tool from the drop down menu]to give the shadow/shading to make the pic look 3-Dimensional.

Quote from: Mr. Orange
Well, you're using Photoshop, that's a big plus already. Basically, what you do is you create a new layer that goes over your painting layer, whichever that is, and stick a simple gradient in there using the Gradient Tool, then selecting the preset white to black gradient. You make sure the white is completely see-through (opacity at 0%), then drag the tool top to bottom over your livery. Then just crop out the bits of the gradient you don't want to have in your livery, basically everything that's not the airplane, adjust the opacity of the layer until you think it works, and you have a very, very basic shading.

Basically i've following the advice/tips given by him. Best person to contact for Livery related queries.

Hope it helps

General Chat / Re: My first livery...HELP!
« on: August 14, 2009, 05:50:53 pm »
You mean you want it look something like this??

General Chat / Re: requesting for livery
« on: August 04, 2009, 09:43:13 am »
A basic livery...with the 70ish cheatline. Hope you like it.

General Chat / Re: Requesting Aircraft Livery...
« on: August 04, 2009, 07:40:14 am »
Is this fine??

General Chat / Re: Requesting Aircraft Livery...
« on: August 04, 2009, 06:02:00 am »

Actually... come to think of it... I like that more than the other one. ^_^ I don't know if it'll be too much trouble, but could you make the red stripes on the fuselage a little higher? (Like, less blue and stars, probably eliminating the last two rows of stars?) , and on the tail, could you put UA in blue (Kinda like American Airlines inspired)? Other than that, I'll take it!! thank you SO much!!

I'm on it  8)

General Chat / Re: Livery request
« on: August 03, 2009, 07:08:52 pm »
You mean something like this??

General Chat / Re: requesting for livery
« on: August 03, 2009, 05:35:04 am »
Will you be able to post a larger pic of you signature here - cant really make out the details with the present size

General Chat / Re: Requesting Aircraft Livery...
« on: August 03, 2009, 05:32:02 am »
Sorry for deviating from the script - I made this Air Asia Inspired Livery. If you don't like it, let me know. I will make a new one of the first scheme with 5-pointed star.

General Chat / Re: Requesting Aircraft Livery...
« on: August 01, 2009, 05:10:38 pm »

Wow that is really good. Could you by any chance use a darker blue, and use instead of the asterisk stars, could you replace them with the 5 pointed stars (and no wavy thing around the big star)? :3
Other than that I think that's PERFECT.

I'll get on it. And the stars...what color would you like them to be??

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