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Messages - coolfish1103

Pages: 1
Bugs / [W9] Loadfactor
« on: July 07, 2008, 05:12:35 am »
I have a route Beijing - Tokyo that shows load factor 100% when I went to adjust it, but after couple minutes, it will turn into 8x%.  When I went into the specific route to adjust the route, it still shows 100%... no one entered the route and it just kept on changing.  It's very annoy to keep on adjusting it cause I don't know what's the right value to set for the pricing.

ID: 14264

General Chat / Special Access?
« on: June 25, 2008, 03:54:55 pm »
By the way, I actually just read the rules (seriously, I do not read forum rules because I don't think I will violate them unless absolutely necessary).

Not that I like to touch the forbidden subject, but I'd like to suggest...

If you really want to put: Taiwan, a Province of China

Please be fair and stick the Chinese flag and country for Hong Kong like how you guys did it with Macau.

- or -

Give Macau their flag and indicate, Hong Kong, a City of China and Macau, a City of China on there as well.

Not that I really like a Province of China being stick on there for Taiwan, but this is a game developed by you guys, so I am not going to bother to suggest you guys to take it off (cause I know it's not going to happen, otherwise it will not be a forbidden subject).   However, please be fair.  It's not Guam where it's located in Australia, so Hong Kong does not need it's own country name.

General Chat / Too many planes?
« on: June 25, 2008, 03:17:30 pm »
Quote from: "Lord Voldemort"
For some reason I just ordered 5 Airbus A320s that are just going to sit there racking up maintenance costs...

Lease them  :D

General Chat / Special Access?
« on: June 25, 2008, 03:15:44 pm »
Top most post:

I will add to these where appropriate. Wink

    * No bad language, I will edit posts and insert any random word I like. Wink

    * Signature size is not to be greater than 125px in height, 600px in width (totals) for images and no more than 2 lines of text.

    * Animated and Static signatures must be less than 0.2MB in size.

    * Abusive messages here or ingame will result in a ban in both areas.

    * No public accusation of your fellow players. Please email Staff Email if you feel someone has violated a game rule.

    * No suggestion of criterias for the next world or that we should start a new world is allowed

    * The posting of the Staff E-Mail address should be done by typing the following:
      This will result in Staff Email being displayed.

    * Don't forget to post the relevant world in your post if applicable.

    * Sources must be provided/copyright information for any media posted that is not the authors own work

    * There should be no discussion about other Airline Games on these forums. This is solely due to the sensitive nature of discussing competitors.

Note: If you need something resized and you do not know ask in General Chat.

Nothing?  Anyways, I am not interested into joining the discussions in there anymore.
Lock this thread if you'd like.

General Chat / Special Access?
« on: June 25, 2008, 02:16:28 pm »
What's the point? or it has to be everyone who can read Chinese to enter that specific forum?

Not typing Chinese on the forums does not mean can't comprehend.

General Chat / Where to put focus cities?
« on: June 18, 2008, 05:43:32 am »
I was thinking of basing in smaller airports with gate fees either 50,000 or 100,000 (leaning towards 100,000), and then fly only to major cities with gate fees 150,000 or higher) and cities I already have gates to so I can utilize the gates to the most profitable situation.  I am unsure how many competitors in any one region will affect the profits in the region and I do not know when will that be a cause for us to drop to the next set profitable gates (from 250,000 to 200,000 ones).  If the suggested number is 10 million passengers, that simply rules out all airports with gate fees less than 200,000, which does not leave enough airports unless we want mass competition...  as there are only 28 cities in Asia that have more than 10 million passengers.  It should be based on population in the city and not just the gate costs, right?

I was thinking about creating 1 or 2 foreign focus cities as they do take away a big chunk of the routes that can be served... and I think there's a need to play more than just a continent you own to see what's going on in the other side of the world.

General Chat / Where to put focus cities?
« on: June 17, 2008, 07:04:46 pm »
We all know there are different costs for the gates to each city, and it's determined by the passengers.  For all experienced players who have played this game for a while, how much difference do you feel when you build a focus city in a populated area (300,000) in comparison to a less population dense area (100,000)?  Since there's always so much competition in those famous 250,000+ gates, do you guys think it's better to stick with it and compete, or go for a lower population city and work your focus city there?

Also, for foreign focus cities, do you prefer to connect them to your base or work them on another side?

Comments appreciated.

Bugs / Gate costs
« on: June 17, 2008, 06:30:32 am »
Not sure if this is a bug...

ID: 1597 Clermont CFE
Type: Gate Cost
Description: I think it's suppose to be 50,000, not 100,000.

General Chat / How is your fuel calculated?
« on: June 16, 2008, 03:36:07 am »
Is the fuel shown used by each aircraft calculated in how much it wastes per hour?

Pages: 1
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