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Messages - RedSoxFan417

Pages: 1
General Chat / Re: I'm switching all of my planes out to this......
« on: April 06, 2009, 07:30:40 am »
way to be a show off!

Bugs / Re: "Editing" and "creating" routes
« on: February 13, 2009, 03:51:06 pm »
Lucky for you, because I seem to only find spurts of about 5 to 10 minutes where it is good, and then it goes down hill from there, and it seemingly is getting worst for me. And by no means do I have a slow connection.  And it is only AM that I have this slow problem with, so is it me? or is it the server for AM??? hmmm....

Bugs / Re: "Editing" and "creating" routes
« on: February 13, 2009, 07:22:25 am »
Well another day and night of slow creating routes, and editing routes.  Rent a gate, the little loading globe keeps going, and going, and going, and going, and going, and going... I feel as though it is becoming the energizer bunny, and not in a good way.  I am saddened by the fact that I have not received a response by neither a private message, nor on here.  What saddens me even more is the simple fact that, it has been well over a week now, and this problem has still yet to be resolved. This lack of help is discouraging and is simply going to push players to quit. Now by no means am I saying I am quitting. However other players, and newer players may be discouraged enough to quit. Like I said in the post above, SOMETHING NEEDS TO BE DONE.

Bugs / Re: "Create Route" Slow down
« on: February 13, 2009, 02:16:54 am »
Except for the fact that the patch didn't work. It is moving as slow as a turtle right now. It is very discouraging

Bugs / "Editing" and "creating" routes
« on: February 12, 2009, 02:22:51 am »
I would just like to say that the speed on editing and creating routes is horribly slow currently.  Which it has been for the past week or more.  Now i dont mean to come across as a jerk or anything, but my personal thought is that you guys should stop AM for a week or how ever long it takes to fix the bugs that is dogging down the system, because right now I am finding AM starting to become not enjoyable.  It use to take less then an hour to drop 100 routes on a hub, now if i were to do 100 routes, i would be here for probably 24 hours.  It is slightly ridiculous that editing a route takes 3-5 minutes, with the updating button, and then the actual creating the route again, it is horrible.  That is my take on what should be done, whether or not you take my advise, it doesnt matter i guess.  But something definately needs to be done.

Bugs / Re: "Create Route" Slow down
« on: February 11, 2009, 06:39:56 am »
I retract my statement i had on here earlier, thank you for improving the speed!  :)

Bugs / Re: "Create Route" Slow down
« on: February 09, 2009, 01:09:41 am »
The wheels on the bus go 'round and 'round, 'round and 'round, 'round and 'round. Create a route, spend five minutes reading while 'connecting to' Update a route, spend three minutes getting my sports fix on while connecting. Safari, Firefox, it doesn't matter. 6 a.m., 6 p.m., midnight, doesn't matter. Sometimes it works great. Most of the time it's getting really hung up. Getting more and more difficult by the day to enjoy playing your game Stephen.  8)

yeah i would have to agree, right now it is horrible for IE, Firefox is even dogging down as well.  And it seems like my firefox has decided to go on the fritz while renting gates, so now i have to use IE, and that is just horrible. 

Bugs / Re: Premium Gate search Malfunctions
« on: October 14, 2008, 07:18:57 pm »
@ Fox, got the same error on dif PCs

@ redsoxfan
the only way right now to create routes is to click the other 2 icons and reduce ure ranges if u search ( no min. until 500 / 500 until 1000.. and so on

im sorry to bother but i dont really understand what you are saying.

Bugs / Re: Premium Gate search Malfunctions
« on: October 14, 2008, 03:50:20 pm »
I too am having problems with the gate search although my problem is when i go to click "create route" after i search for the gates, it comes up with an error message saying:
Route Error
Please go back and try again.

my id # is 12282
airline name: Red Sox 2.0

Bugs / Re: Seat % and number of routes [W10]
« on: October 09, 2008, 04:27:24 am »
looks good now as of 10:27 central standard time :D thanks for taking care of this

Bugs / Re: Seat % and number of routes [W10]
« on: October 09, 2008, 02:32:10 am »
its just showing script

Bugs / Re: Seat % and number of routes [W10]
« on: October 08, 2008, 08:07:01 pm »
I know the feeling, I feel afraid to hammer out any routes in my hubs because i dont truely know if i have the seat percentage

Bugs / [FIXED] Seat % and number of routes [W10]
« on: October 07, 2008, 05:22:38 am »
It seems like the number of routes in all my hubs has more then tripled, and it looks as though the seat % has gone out of this world as the leader in boston has over 100% of the seats which i find as probably impossible.  Now i wish that i could claim to have put up over 800 routes up in Boston but i know for a fact that i havent done that. (although if you want to leave me at that i wont mind ;) ) just thought id leave this bit of information for you guys :) take care

Bugs / Airline out of nowhere
« on: July 07, 2008, 06:31:38 am »
Quote from: "Dooskie III"
Quote from: "dktc"
All I could say is that Dooskie, you should have taken a screen shot and bring that PM to the staff's attention at :staff: . The airline in question would have trouble with us. That is a very good way to bring down your competitor. :wink: :P
It's a lot more fun to pound the rookie into submission and then hear him swine (I mean whine), or squeal like a stuck pig. Yes, puns intended.  8)

You very well could "pig out" on his routes or gates also :)

General Chat / Cheating or just unfair?
« on: June 09, 2008, 05:17:26 am »
Quote from: "fenati2"
all this is possible.

but by the other hand, we yes, have cheaters on the game. its easy to see them; check the 10 top players of your world and you will see 99,5% loadfactors. thats absolutely impossible unless they use some cheating script to update their routes.

you can see that the real players, have 80, 85%: thats the best you can get when you have so many routes. im world#6 number 17 in the rank, and i cant get more then 87% loadfactor, because i would have to stay the entire day updating my routes. if i click right now on routes under 50% loadfactor, i get more then 150 routes do edit. imagine someone twice as bigger then me, with 95% loadfactor...

santa claus i guess.

my 979 routes are just fine, i typically only have to change about 25 routes in a whole real world day. (world 3 might i add) Best advise i can give you, is quit whinning.

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