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Messages - MattLeffler

Pages: 1
Bugs / Re: View Routes page crashed
« on: October 15, 2008, 03:41:16 am »
awesome thanks ... I'm back in and I'll avoid that till I hear otherwise.  Thanks!

Bugs / View Routes page crashed
« on: October 14, 2008, 11:59:39 pm »
I recently changed my default for viewing routes to show by hub and now I get only this on the view routes page:  "Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 20576257 bytes) in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 43"

I did it so I could see all the routes I had by fleet allowing me to compare for instance the use of my 767-300s.  I emailed support and asked that my default be changed so I could see routes again and was told it was changed but I am still getting this error.  Any help?  I'm in world 10 Adderall Air 12639.  I have 7750 routes so it may have just been the size but I cant change my default back to something that lets me see something. 

General Chat / Re: King's Arm Airlines [W10]
« on: October 01, 2008, 09:59:18 am »
No clue, Asylum Freight dropped off too a long time ago, shows him as inactive ... I guess when you go inactive or drop out of the game? 

General Chat / Re: [w10] the random thoughts while playing thread
« on: October 01, 2008, 09:53:51 am »
W10 has changed here lately.  :-)

Game Strategy / thanks
« on: July 16, 2008, 01:08:20 pm »
thanks for the heads up.  Its almost at the end of the game pretty much...but thinking of next time now (I'm in world 6) Ya...I guess I am gonna just keep trying to add and grow.  

In regards to growth ... I have all 7 of the hubs I can have.  they ended up being ...

Boston - 406 flights ....
Charlotte - 440 flights ...
Baltimore - 397 flights ...
Chicago Ohare - 700 flights
Houston Bush - 619
Tampa - 399
Washington Ronald Reagen - 412
Alliance Flights - 120 (only do the big stuff that isnt too crowded )

I pretty much fly to everything within 2000NM of each hub and then of course I 767-200ER it to whereever.  Kinda noticed the .5 flights on those routes seem the best.

I dont know I kinda feel like at this point y only options are the 767 flights ... lucky to get 2 of them that make about 300K together.

I also kinda noticed that my monthly profit pretty much is relatively unchanged from when I made 90 million DOP to 230 million I'm at now.  Like I'm just adding planes to add them and they are just covering themselves.  I know mainteance is a big issue and I've read the postings on it and such.  I guess I'm just trying to figure out where to go from here. :-)  And yeah I tried to sell 25 Fokker 6000's and they sat on the market for a pretty long time at 70% and were the newest ones in the market, so I guess I just wanted someone to tell me not to replace the jets.  

Its an interesting dynamic of a game.  :-)  Glad I found it.

Game Strategy / Replacing planes on routes worth it?
« on: July 16, 2008, 10:23:28 am »
So I have I have like just under 2 years left in my game world and this has been my first try at AM.  Some general questions ... I have 3508 routes already plotted out.  At this point I can afford the nice bigger planes but havent really gotten too into replacing smaller jets like 737-200 Advs that I scheduled a long time ago.  Is it really worth the time and effort to redo these with the bigger planes?  I've just been extending and adding and adding rather than going back on old routes.  

I also ran some duplicate routes with different planes.  For instance i was gonna replace a fokker 6000 with a MD 83 but after doing the second schedule I found that I didnt really lower the profit of the first plane that i hadn't canceled yet.  ended up simply increasing my overall revenue.  anyone do this much?

I know mainteance costs can and are a bit annoying when you just keep adding and adding but it hasnt really slowed me too horribly down.  I'm in the top 10 of my current world in value and in the top 4 in passengers.  I dont know...just trying to figure out what to do when you have thousands of routes.  Till now I've just kept adding and not really replacing...just keeping the loadfactor up.  


General Chat / Cheating or just unfair?
« on: June 06, 2008, 07:47:20 am »
its all good.  Nahh...doubt a rampant issue.  Good players will make good decision and move up and I'll just pop another adderall and devote my day at work to the game gotta love working in IT for nonprofits.   :wink:

General Chat / Cheating or just unfair?
« on: June 06, 2008, 07:37:31 am »
they get scraps?  In the first game month?  For instance to prove my point I went to the bottom of the rankings and found an airlines that has .... no airplane.  What would be the point there?

General Chat / explain this one
« on: June 06, 2008, 07:18:25 am »
So lets say World 8 began less than 24 hours ago and we all started with 500,000 and one plane right?  So how can a player have more than one plane?  In the first game month I would think no airline would sput its only plane up for sale...I figured you could create another airline and sell that airlines only plane to yourself.  Is there another way?  Do some players get planes quicker than 24 hours?

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