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Messages - karnc

Pages: 1
General Chat / 4th pilot in A300
« on: June 23, 2008, 03:52:00 am »
PIC + F/O + S/O

I think that was requirement for A300.

General Chat / Routes with Excel
« on: June 23, 2008, 03:50:44 am »
I thought just copy and paste is enough.
Anyway, when paste, use paste special instead of just paste.... select unicode then.

for Distance wise, make some extra column and use =value(substitute(xxx,"NM","")) . Voila!, it is now distance in number variable type. Otherwise, sorting a text string cell would return order of 9xx nm after 8xxx nm.

General Chat / Oops.
« on: June 21, 2008, 06:17:21 pm »
For an answer, i believe the withdraw date is the last date the manufacturer will receive your order. Therefore, you will still get the plane you ordered and the aircraft will still be able to fly as long as you want. No refund, no scrap and no plane disappear.

btw, dktc, don't get angry with me,  but i think your answer is a bit too hostile  sometime. May be he just asked because he doesn't understand sth, that's what the forum for isn't it...

: )

You mean overall profitable? I just doubt it can cover the maintenance cost. If you're leasing the plane, ok. Otherwise, I do believe mt. cost far overshoot the earning. Correct me if I'm wrong, just a newcomer here... : ) , Anyway, a great game it is.

I've started here for about a month already (since May). Got one question... Is there any reason why flying longhaul in this game shouldn't be profitable?, pls explain. Actually, longhaul flight can never cover up the cost it incurred. I believe may be there could be some modification on this? because i think pax mentality shouldn't be on price only. Flying from NY to Narita cost you only five times a local 200 nm routes...  

Otherwise, SE 10B will still rule the world forever, and other planes' stats were just there for historical purpose.

General Chat / [W8] Jan. 5, More than 1 plane?
« on: June 05, 2008, 06:24:24 pm »
got it. thank you for your explanation.  :wink:

General Chat / [W8] Jan. 5, More than 1 plane?
« on: June 05, 2008, 06:08:48 pm »
may be my question is a bit confused... let me re-phrase,

I know buying second plane is not impossible. But i see someone leasing a starting embraer which is i believe not possible, or at lease, feasible unless it is a dummy account...

General Chat / [W8] Jan. 5, More than 1 plane?
« on: June 05, 2008, 06:05:05 pm »
Please explain a bit, I'm still confused.

I'm quite new here, and i don't know how come somebody is leasing an embraer out at this starting point of the game. I believe you cannot create a dummy account just to lease a plane for yourself, right?

or someone have extra priviledge of having more starting plane than others. because i can't think of anyone would want to lease the embraer out since the first day.... please explain...

General Chat / Beginner question about Leasing planes
« on: May 23, 2008, 11:22:15 am »
So, to maximize things, i've got to do it on the 1st then, quite unrealistic isn't it, it should be pro-rated. Anyway, thank you for your answer. : )

General Chat / Beginner question about Leasing planes
« on: May 23, 2008, 11:04:57 am »
When i lease the plane, immediately cash is taken from my balance. However, the lease rate is monthly, so, at the end of the month i will also have to pay the lease again. The question is, if this is the case, if i start leasing the plane at 23rd, i pay ie. 100,000 bucks. Then on the 24th, i will have to pay again 100,000 ?

I'm so new here and would like to have some explanation, thx.

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