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Messages - alvarez16

Pages: 1
Bugs / Loadfactor Bug!!!
« on: June 05, 2008, 06:00:29 am »
bug still there!

Bugs / Loadfactor Bug!!!
« on: June 03, 2008, 04:36:08 pm »
Yeah thats how I solve it but its annoying when there's 50 routes like that in which you edit for no reason.

And the main problem is that it continues to happen to the same routes as well as new ones so even if you fix it to 100% load then 10 minutes later it will show up as another % and you have to do it again.


Bugs / Loadfactor Bug!!!
« on: June 03, 2008, 07:55:37 am »
Let me explain,

I'll go to my "View Routes" window and I'll see for example a route such as "Madrid to Amsterdam", and I'll see the loadfactor show up as for example 94.47%, so I click "edit" and when I go to edit the route, I leave the same price and frequency that was already there and click "update information" button and it shows up with 100% loadfactor. And then when I go back to the "View Routes" screen it'll show up as 100% loadfactor, but a few minutes or sometimes hours later the same thing will happen again and the load factor will drop again. I happens to a lot of routes and its getting very annoying.

Please let me know what to do, I'm in World 7 and my Airline ID is 12278.


General Chat / Are there any brokers in World 7?
« on: June 01, 2008, 06:54:50 pm »
Not yet, but I can broker your aircraft for cheap.

Let me know the markup you're willing to pay :)


General Chat / Terminals! Why?
« on: May 29, 2008, 12:18:58 am »
What are the benefits of a terminal?


General Chat / Broker question! why?
« on: May 23, 2008, 05:52:17 am »
Quote from: "Fleur-de-Lis"
Funny how no one ever mentions the devaluation of the airline, when going through the brokerage process...


What do you mean?


General Chat / Broker question! why?
« on: May 22, 2008, 07:28:37 pm »
Why would anybody use a broker to buy a plane?

I already read the game manual and the part on brokers but I'm still confused.

For example, if I want to buy a plane why would I pay a broker a 5% markup or even a 0% markup to get the plane if I can just get it myself? Is the only benefit the fact that you have 3 days to pay?

also, what happens when I pick up a broker request for someone at lets say 5% markup? Why would I spend my money to get someone else a plane when all I could be making is $500,000 on a $10 mil plane?


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