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General Chat / How long do you keep paying ?
« on: May 07, 2008, 03:55:37 pm »
it was on the part that gives you the to date this month and projected monthly.

funnily enough everything on the screen has kind of reset. It now says im paying 0 for leasing, gate rental etc when these were and should be a couple of million each. Although i figure this has something to do with the date resetting? (even though i havent seen this as yet?)

Its back into projecting a profit now at least anyway  :P

General Chat / How long do you keep paying ?
« on: May 07, 2008, 02:19:11 pm »
also the 7mill the plane cost in rental is still showing in my finances

General Chat / How long do you keep paying ?
« on: May 07, 2008, 02:17:14 pm »
Hey sorry to ask if its already on, i've tried looking but can only see bits of info.

I accidentally leased the wrong plane so returned it a couple of minutes later as it was for about 7 mill a month - which is more then i get profit about 6 mill (still pretty new). Its now coming upto 24 hours later (real time) and my finance screen is still showing that i'll be making a loss of about 1 mil, when it was aprox 6 mill before this plane.

Will it change back after the 24hours or has something gone wrong?

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