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Messages - OliAir

Pages: 1 2
They still have to show up in the finance section Mark, as long as it is an expense you will see it there. The only way to have gate fees at 0 would be to have a terminal at every one of the airports you fly into which is not possible unless you fly only base to base.

General Chat / A340 seats
« on: May 30, 2008, 04:38:57 pm »
There's the thread as to why the seats were increased.

I had to edit my A340 routes because at the current prices the load factors changed to reflect the change in seats, although sometimes the lower load factors didn't show up on the view routes screen.

General Chat / What's your new DOP in AM??
« on: May 30, 2008, 04:36:29 pm »
DOP   €158,376,214
Airline Cash   €-14,871,706
Airline Value   €42,203,539,187
Loadfactor   99.30%
Date   3 Aug 1994
World   Public World #4

Game Data / A340-300
« on: May 27, 2008, 04:35:18 am »
Oh ok, I guess this would be the first time i've seen the formula way off then.

Game Data / A340-300
« on: May 26, 2008, 11:21:05 pm »
It may use 4 engines instead of two but those 4 engines are each not consuming anything near what the engines of the A330 or 767/777 are consuming. The A343 at cruise consumes between 12k and 14k pph total at cruise (which is around 2300 gallons per hour) which is actually near what the A330-300 consumes with its two Larger engines. Its interesting to note that they have the 747-400's fuel consumption as 4,320.00 which using the current figures would suggest that the A343 consumes more than it  :)

Game Data / A340-300
« on: May 26, 2008, 09:28:02 pm »
Thank you very much for updating the seats, one other thing

Aircraft Name     Seats     Cargo     Speed     Range     Withdrawn     Cockpit Crew     Cabin Crew     Turn Time     Price                  Engines                                   Fuel Usage     
Airbus A330-300   440   0         464       4500      2013                 2                   9                     1.76              €193,057,610    General Electric CF6-80E1A2    1,701.00 Buy

Airbus A330-300 LR 440 0        464        5450       2013               2                    9                      1.76              €204,475,897   Pratt & Whitney PW-4164          1,701.00 Buy

Airbus A340-200 420 0             475        7450         2013             2                     9                     1.68              €357,549,413   CFM International CFM56-5C     4,453.00 Buy

Airbus A340-300 440 0             475         6700       2013              2                     9                    1.76               €363,631,893   CFM International CFM56-5C     4,642.00 Buy

The fuel usage for the A340 seems to be way off compared to the A330-300 (I won't even argue about the new price).

General Chat / when is 1 click route adjust?
« on: May 20, 2008, 04:51:40 am »
That sounds good Stephen. Take your time with it, don't want the airlines growing too quickly  :wink:


General Chat / # of airplane trips
« on: May 20, 2008, 01:57:59 am »
How many hours do you have left on the plane? If it does not have enough hours left to make the trip or if it is out of its range it will not show up on the create a route page.

Game Data / A340-300
« on: May 19, 2008, 04:56:22 am »
Quote from: "Seattle"
Quote from: "Japanair"
I should have much more than the 763. the A340 is longer than the 767-400 and is wider by 1 seat
The 400's are smaller than the 300's.... At least thats what I recal from AWS :P

From Boeing

Technical Characteristics - Boeing 767-300ER
Passenger Seating Configuration
   Typical 3-class
   Typical 2-class
   Typical 1-class    

Technical Characteristics -- Boeing 767-400ER
Passenger Seating Configuration
   Typical 3-class
   Typical 2-class
   Typical 1-class    

From Airbus (A340-300)

Typical passenger seating       295

I know that is for a 3 class setup as that is what we used at Air Jamaica

General Chat / it is very tired edit nearly 100 routes daily
« on: May 15, 2008, 09:22:07 pm »
I wonder why I don't seem to have that problem with my airline, i spend 20 mins editing my routes at around midnight and leave them normally for the next 24 hrs. I just open up all the routes i want to edit in new tabs and then when i'm finished editing them go quickly through all those tabs clicking "Create routes" i guess if you check the logs thats why it looks like i edit 100 routes in 2 mins, i really am just clicking "create route" after i finish editing them.


General Chat / it is very tired edit nearly 100 routes daily
« on: May 14, 2008, 03:30:04 pm »
Although editing 300 or more routes daily can be tiring I feel it is one of the few things slowing down the extreme growth of airlines in AM, therefore is a good thing.


General Chat / A340-300
« on: May 13, 2008, 03:14:31 pm »
They should reduce the capacity of the A330-300LR soon, an A333 carrying 440 Pax is ridiculous while the A343 only carries 335.


Game Data / A340-300
« on: May 12, 2008, 12:38:03 am »
The A340-300 should definitely have at least the same capacity of the 767-300ER.


Game Data / A340-300
« on: May 11, 2008, 03:33:13 pm »
With regards to the A340-300 Range i believe it is about 500nm under what it actually is. "Range (w/max. passengers) 13,350 (13,700) km. 7,200 (7,400) nm. " Wheras on AM with the best engine it is "Range 6,750".

To use another example the MD-11 (as obtained from the Boeing information page ) "The nonstop range of the standard MD-11 operating at a maximum takeoff weight of 602,500 pounds (273,290 kg) is approximately 7,630 statute miles (12,270 km) with 285 passengers and their bags. The extended-range version of the MD-11, equipped with an auxiliary fuel tank and operating at a higher maximum takeoff weight of 630,500 pounds (285,990 kg), has a range of approximately 8,225 statute miles (13,230 km)." Now i know that Delta had to MD-11's modified to do Los Angeles to Hong Kong so perhaps that version was used for the range quote. AM has the range as "McDonnell Douglas MD-11 7980"

I am not saying you guys have made a mistake but perhaps this one was overlooked. Thank you for taking the time to read this message.


General Chat / What's your new DOP in AM??
« on: May 05, 2008, 08:22:22 pm »
DOP   €64,558,700
Airline Cash   €22,718,632
Airline Value   €10,974,224,126
Loadfactor   99.58%
Date   7 Jul 1992
World   Public World #4

Can't wait for those other A320s


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