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Messages - siamsky

Pages: 1
General Chat / doesn´t load; is it just me?
« on: April 09, 2008, 02:55:29 pm »
Thanks, that did it! Working again now.

Strange enough, though, before I reset the router I fired up my work laptop and connected to the company network thru VPN and I was able to get to AM from there (while I still couldn´t get there from my home PC). Oh well, problem fixed.  :D

General Chat / doesn´t load; is it just me?
« on: April 09, 2008, 01:41:50 pm »
Strange thing is, I played all evening yesterday and when I tried to open the site this morning... Page cannot be displayed, DUH.
Same PC, same router, everything.


General Chat / doesn´t load; is it just me?
« on: April 09, 2008, 01:17:21 pm »
Have been trying to get into AM all morning but the page won´t load, neither in Firefox nor in IE.
Anyone else experiencing this?

Bugs / Typos - centralized thread
« on: April 06, 2008, 03:20:48 pm »
Since this is a typo thread, why is a Pan Am 727 in Munich? Bit out if a 727's range? Razz
There are a few spelling errors, mostly just the smaller airport names. Is there a way we can help change them?

Pan Am used to serve West Berlin from a number of West German airports as LH was not allowed to fly there during the Cold War.

Back to typos: Paris Charles de Gaulle spells with a double "L"

Siam SKY

Bugs / My profit has increased (for seemingly no reason)
« on: April 06, 2008, 03:14:36 pm »
Not sure if this should got to "Bugs" so if it´s not appropriate please move.

As the title says, my income has increased by a few thou`since the month rollover; not something I´ll complain about  :)  but I´d like to understand WHY.
The few routes I have had a load factor of 100% before and they are still at 100% now. I did not edit the fares (nor any other charges). I only have one competitor each on only two of the routes and their fares haven´t changed, either.
My understanding is: revenue at 100% = number of seats * ticket fare; so if none of these factors change, there shouldn´t be a change in revenue, right?
Note I haven´t set an food or drink prices yet so there is no influence.

Second, I notice a slight discrepancy between the summary of routes income and the DOP displayed in the top right corner. The DOP display shows a few thousand more.
OK, and on top of that, when I check the Finance screen and divide the "Ticket Revenue To Date (This month)" by the number of game days in this month I get a different figure again! Another 9,000 more than the DOP figure.

Again, I may have a wrong understanding of the figures so please educate me


My Airline ID is 5097


Siam SKY

General Chat / Which aircraft are you the biggest operator of...
« on: March 30, 2008, 05:37:38 pm »
I am first for the F27-600 (43 aircraft) and also first and only operator of TU-144S (3 aircraft)


Siam SKY

Pages: 1
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