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Messages - brotonee

Pages: 1 2
General Chat / Re: Do you prefer old or new?
« on: January 16, 2009, 09:23:01 am »
Personally, I liked the first redesign after the pink - when the site first became green, but before the new menus I guess.
I actually stopped playing the game due to a lack of time, but now I have started playing again. To be honest, I like MultiWorlds, but I liked it more before private worlds. There are too many worlds now and not enough players, and it just doesn't seem to be as much fun. MultiWorlds seemed to be the best of both worlds (excuse the pun).

General Chat / So I have every plane up for sale.......
« on: July 17, 2008, 03:39:41 am »
No I think that's the way it's always been - leasing means that you pay for the fuel bill and maintenance.
It's called a damp lease.
You've always definitely had to pay maintenance on leased out aircraft.

General Chat / If only there was an option of multi-class
« on: June 07, 2008, 08:18:38 am »
Multiclass seating is planned, but the developers are busy as it is.
As far as I know, it's on its way and will be here eventually, but there's other stuff to take care of.

Multiclass is coming... eventually.

General Chat / Cheating or just unfair?
« on: June 06, 2008, 07:32:47 am »
I must have loaded the reply page before you posted...  :roll:

Regardless, I doubt there is much or any cheating going on.

General Chat / Cheating or just unfair?
« on: June 06, 2008, 07:25:42 am »
As far as I know, it is not possible to sell the first aircraft until you have others.

It is most likely that the player in question is a broker (brokers get scraps) or that there is a database error.

General Chat / Show your colors - The Liveries Topic
« on: May 24, 2008, 12:33:54 am »
Here's Koruconnect's livery on the Dash 8-300 and the ATR 72, neither of which we operate (we do operate the ATR 42 though). They don't quite match up, but I cant really be bothered going and fixing that.

ATR 72

Dash 8-300

Bugs / Typos - centralized thread
« on: May 19, 2008, 08:09:49 am »
Queenstown in New Zealand, Australasia has the incorrect ICAO and IATA codes.
Currently, the codes are PMR and NZPM, which are Palmerston North's codes.

Bugs / Typos - centralized thread
« on: April 05, 2008, 09:20:00 am »
Not sure if this has been mentioned, but the continent lists (and nearly every other reference to continents) has a spelling mistake for Australasia.

On AM, it is spelt Australiasia, but in reality, it's Australasia.

General Chat / new to the game
« on: March 25, 2008, 06:10:08 am »
Quote from: "yourefired"
I decided to stay above the fray and offer all-business class service instead on executive jets. 20 seats on a plane designed for that's something to write home about. If the round was longer I'd actually start phasing out nonpremium services as I start phasing in executive aircraft, but the round ends in like a week so it's not worth it. Plus even the most overpriced executive jets cost like 19 million.

This is something I'd like to do.
What would be ideal is if the programming allowed for this sort of plane to charge a higher fare - after all, it is a premium service and as such it should have a premium price.
Perhaps something to look at in addition to the class system when you guys have enough time to focus on other stuff like that.

Bugs / [Not a bug] Aircraft Scheduling Issues
« on: March 12, 2008, 06:38:46 am »
Nope range is fine. Research route says it's capable.

EDIT: Actually I tried again and the plane shows up... magic.


Bugs / [Not a bug] Aircraft Scheduling Issues
« on: March 12, 2008, 05:10:52 am »
I am having some aircraft scheduling issues: I have an aircraft (Beech Super King Air 200) with 24 hours available (the plane is not on any routes). When i attempt to create a new route, the aircraft is not listed and is not able to be chosen to fly the route.

I also have free gates at both ends.

Hopefully someone can help...

General Chat / The Flooding Tactic
« on: January 24, 2008, 09:33:11 am »
That's exactly what I'm hoping happens to this gy - he gets burnout. Sadly, though, most of the airports (except three) in theis country only cost 50k for a gate.

This route in particular leaves from a 100k gate and arrives at a 50k gate. So, it's only 150k for 10 frequencies. He's doing 20, so thats 300k. Plus let's say he's leasing an aircraft at 200k a month. That's 500k a month, and I used to make 20k daily profit on that route. Let's say he's making 15k. 15 x 24 is 360k, so he's making around 60k profit monthly on that route.

60k monthly isn't much, but it's enough that I'd keep sticking with it.

Fortunately, I think this constant price dropping is going to get to a point where he loses profitability faster than I will (as I only need 1 pair of gates as opposed to 2 pairs), at which point I'm hoping he'll cut the s**t and pull out a bit - at least back to sane levels.

I still can't get why he's ruined the status quo for everyone by flooding the route with low price high frequency fares. He could have been making so much more money - we all could have. And I know he's not doing it to protect gates that were tagged for return, as I saw that he rented these new gates just before he did the flood tactic.

The only possible reason I see is that he's trying to shut down other players and kick them out of the market. Hopefully the rest of us have enough stickability to stay in the game until he begins losing money on that route or just decides to pull back to sane levels.

General Chat / The Flooding Tactic
« on: January 23, 2008, 11:47:43 pm »
Oh, and to further support my point, here's a quote from someone who as far as I know, competes in a different market on a different continent:

Quote from: "Hopeleslylonely"
2 of mine are on the route at $1 that somebody thought it would be fun to send a bunch of routes at $35 instead of the $300+ we were all charging  :lol:

Emphasis mine.

If we can all have really great loadfactor at 300 Euro fares, why bother dropping your price to 35 Euros - it only ruins it for everyone (including you) by dropping their profitability and loadfactor, and it's not like it really makes the virtual pax all that happy.

General Chat / The Flooding Tactic
« on: January 23, 2008, 11:43:05 pm »
I'm sure we've all been victim to this at one time or another (or, indeed, been behind the tactic at one time or another). My time for this has come - a large number of the routes I fly (mostly the ones leaving Wellington, but also a couple from Auckland) are under attack from the flooding tactic.

When I say flooding tactic, I am describing the highly competitive move where an airline will flood the market with high frequency, low cost fares. As an example, one of my competitors flooded a route with 20 or so flights priced at around 20 or so Euros, when most of the competitors prices were around the 70-100 Euro mark. Naturally, our loadfactors dropped like a stone and I found that I began to lose money on this route (and others where the same tactic had been employed),  due to 0% or as high as 6% loadfactor. Needless to say, this p****d me off.

So I responded. I increased frequency as high as I could by purchasing a plane and leasing in several more. Then I dropped my prices to be around 5 Euros lower than the lowest price. This seemed to work, as it gave me 100% loadfactor and I was still making money.

But then the very next day (real time), the flooder had responded with a price around 1 Euro lower than or a price that matched mine. Usually, most of the competition had done the same thing, except for a couple of airlines that either don't play anymore, or don't care.

Things went round in circles like this for a bit, and as far as I can see, they will keep going around in circles. We'll all be dropping prices to try and keep our loadfactors at a sane level where we can make a profit, and the flooder will probably move onto other markets and routes where we all compete and flood them out too. The only place I see this price war going is the wonderful, fabled land of the 1 Euro fare.

Together, through all this price dropping and market flooding, we've shaved one hundred thousand (100, 000) Euros off of my DOP, forced me to lower prices to around a third of what they were before, and forced me to purchase and lease aircraft I didn't want to purchase and lease, just so I could stay in the black.

I think though, that the flooder didn't suspect we'd all react quite so fast, and quite so well. I don't think that he'd planned to have competitors reacting to the flooding tactic by flooding the market themselves and lowering prices to (relatively) insane levels. I'm not sure if he's thought it through enough - because the way I see it, there is only the 1 Euro fare territory to go into next, and I'm not sure that he or anyone else wants to get into the 1 Euro fare territory. Especially given that for us, 1 Euro fares would be barely profitable, and in many cases, not profitable at all.

Although I'd really rather not go into the 1 Euro fare war, I will. And I'll fight it to the death, as well. I'm happy (although I'm not actually happy to) to go into the realms of losing money on some of my routes if it means it shuts this guy up and makes him realise what a ridiculous thing he's doing.

As an aside, I don't really see the point to what he's doing - my research showed that we all had 95%+ loadfactor on all our routes before he engaged in the flooding tactic. My research also showed that our prices were pretty high - around 3 times as high as they are in real life here (and in real life, we have a monopoly flag carrier, too), and that everyone should have been happy with things as they were.

Sure you might get some kind of long term benefit by causing a player or two to exit from that route, freeing up a tiny amount of extra passengers. But it won't be much, and there's too many hungry competitors sharing our routes for much of it to go to you, anyway. Not to mention that there's always a new player just around the corner.

And let's say you do pick up all these hypothetical extra passengers that are released into the market because someone folded. They (and a large percentage of your other passengers) can always be taken away from you by flooding the market with low price, high frequency fares... a never ending circle really, that can only end in 1 Euro fares if left to itself, or end in relative happiness if it's controlled now.

I'm not sure what the point of this was, but there you have it.

General Chat / Gates Tagged for Return
« on: January 12, 2008, 09:02:05 am »
I think I get what you're saying, and I honestly can't remember if it was or not.

But, the problem seems to have disappeared, so perhaps it was like you say.

Thanks for your help.

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