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Messages - Fitch

Pages: 1 2
Bugs / Re: security hacker warning!
« on: January 26, 2015, 09:51:40 pm »

 Actually, there is something to the thing.

 My laptop frequently gets hit by adware called OffersWizard. 90% of the time it happens at

 It does hit at other sites, but most of the time it's from

Doesn't stop me from going there, especially since it's easily removed.

Game Strategy / Re: Props.
« on: January 20, 2015, 02:22:42 pm »

 They were small airports, less than about 10,000 pax.

 When I said Commuter, I meant commuter, small airports. Indianapolis was my largest airport, and the hub of my operation.

General Chat / Re: Golden Route
« on: January 20, 2015, 02:20:57 pm »

 Didn't realize people used the BBJ's or any business jets for that matter.

General Chat / Re: Golden Route
« on: January 20, 2015, 01:11:02 am »

 Interesting, I was expecting it to be in Asia...

Game Strategy / Re: Props.
« on: January 20, 2015, 01:09:19 am »

 I started with 1x then hen i realized i was losing money i dropped it down to 0.5x

Game Strategy / Props.
« on: January 19, 2015, 10:23:10 pm »

 Is there a way to make props work?

 I've tried in the past to run a Commuter airline and it just fell completely apart. This using aircraft no larger than the Beech 1900.

 Gate costs completely killed it, even at the small airports with around 1,000 passengers.

General Chat / Golden Route
« on: January 19, 2015, 10:21:02 pm »

 So, just out of curiosity is there a Golden Route?

 I've never been able to break 200k profit for a route. Is it possible?

 Whats the highest profit you've managed with an airline, route, aircraft, ticket price, frequency.

Suggestions / Rotating Starting Aircraft
« on: June 23, 2013, 08:38:22 am »

 It would be really great if we could have starting aircraft that change as the world gets older.

 I'm in a couple of full length games. Both started as early as possible, one starts you with a pair of Bristol Pullmans and the other with Farman F.60 Goliaths.

 Now the problem is, when you get into the early 40's, those planes have been made obsolete, and then as you get into the 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's..etc. You get my drift.

 Is there not a way to tell the game that, from 1928 to 1935 starting aircraft are the Bristol Pullman, and from 1935-1960 it's the DC-3, 1960-1970 is....and so on.

 It's just weird for a person to join a long game in the early 80's and have to start routes with a pair of Bristol Pullman Tri-planes.

Airline Branding Center / Logo and Livery Request
« on: May 20, 2013, 07:54:52 pm »

Your Airline Name/Slogan (If You Have One) - Statesman Airlines
Country Your Airline Is Registered In - USA
Colors - Blue, Black, and White
Extra Information - I'm giving you Carte Blanche here, see if you can come up with something cool.

Your Airline Name/Slogan (If You Have One) - Statesman Airlines
Your Airline Logo - see above
Country Your Airline Is Registered In -USA
Colors - Blue,Black, and White
Extra Information - as with the Logo you've got a blank check here.
Aircraft - DC-9-50, 717-200, and 737-800 for now.


Suggestions / Reset/Leave Button
« on: May 09, 2013, 03:56:41 pm »

Quick Suggestion.

 It would be great if there was a Bankrupt/Reset button for your airline, and on the same token a "Leave this World" button as well.

 Too many Private worlds get started and then the "owner" disappears, or worse does nothing to admin the world, they just let it run it's course and allow bankrupt airlines to accumulate.

 For example, I am currently in 9 Private Worlds. Of those 9, in about 4 of them my airlines are bankrupt and the Worlds owners are nowhere to be seen. The forums for the worlds have multiple "Delete me or Reset me Please" messages that are not answered.

 I Think it would be great if we could leave the worlds and have them cleared out of our Active games list, without having to abandon them for 2 weeks, or whatever it is, without logging into them.

 Anyways just a suggestion.

Game Strategy / More important stat(s) when buying planes.
« on: April 21, 2013, 05:55:46 pm »

 Hey all,

 It's almost 1974 I have a fleet of DC-8-61, -62, and -63's for my High Capacity and Long Haul routes. Average age is 6 years, actually, they're ALL 6 years old. Debating on whether to go with the DC-10's(-30 and/or -40) the L-1011-1 and/or -100 or perhaps even going the Airbus route with the B1.

 Airline Mogul - See my airline

Each has it's advantages in specific ares.

 The Dc-10's have slightly more capacity(270/272, compared to the 259 of ALL the -8's), but are slight slower and have more fuel burn as well as a .08 turn time compared to the .04 of the -8's.

 The L-10's have a slightly less capacity(256 to the 259) , is basically the same speed, has considerably longer range, lower turn time, but higher fuel burn.

 The Airbus has more capacity(302 to the 259). Slower speed, Less range, 1 extra flight attendant, considerably higher turn time, but considerably less fuel burn.

 So, I'm kinda stuck here. DOC is $5,164,727. But I'm losing almost $10 million a month. So I need to upgrade to cut costs before my $3billion in reserves dries up.


Game Strategy / Re: The stupidity of Multifreq
« on: February 25, 2009, 01:24:07 pm »

 So were playing this game where the goal is to build an airline and compete with other airlines. Now someone has come in and gone against the grain of the established players.

 You gonna try and Laker these people out? or are you going to adapt to the changing market and deal with it??

General Chat / Public Worlds
« on: February 21, 2009, 03:39:04 am »

 When will the new Public Worlds be popping up, and we will just have to wait on them to see what they will entail or will it be announced beforehand?

Game Strategy / Re: The stupidity of Multifreq
« on: February 20, 2009, 10:07:34 am »

 The Stupidity of MultiFreq is that we're discussing how stupid it is to be flying with a freq of more then 1.......

 We should be here blasting people who have hundreds of 1 freq flights......

 Multi Frequency flights SHOULD be huge cash cows......

 The only way this isn't true is if a Frequency here isn't what I think it is....

 I see a Frequency as meaning a flight...therefore a Freq of 1, is a roundtrip...whereas a Freq of 0.5 is a one-way trip......

 Which brings me to my Biggest issue here.....0.5 Flights should be losing Buckets of money. Airlines don't Fly one-way flights.....Except to Victorville. Because ANY money made on the actual Revenue flight will be immediatly lost by the fact that the thing has to fly BACK to it's origination EMPTY....

 In my Opinion .5 Freqs need to be totally removed from th game or Seriously reworked so they go from raking in cash to losing mass quantities of it

General Chat / Re: Stupid Leasing Question
« on: February 20, 2009, 03:29:47 am »

 No, I'm trying to pull my Airline on Private World 45 out of it's 10 million in debt and back into Solvency. Since I can't seem to get ahold of the Worlds creator, I thought that if I could convince someone to temporarily Lease me a couple of birds for nothing, I could get myself out of the hole and back into the game.


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